Justin Bieber Singing in French, Étienne Style | Toronto Teacher Mom

Justin Bieber Singing in French, Étienne Style

Monday, September 24, 2012

Last year, I blogged about Étienne, one of Canada's favourite children's artist, and how much I love using his songs to help teach key concepts in my FSL classes. His music is known for its appeal to the younger generation since it incorporates popular music styles that kids love to listen to. But even moreso, Étienne's music is simply unforgettable. Don't believe me? Check out this video of Justin Bieber in a recent interview during "Boîte à questions" where he was asked to sing a French song. Here he is singing what may very well be one of the most requested songs at Étienne's concerts: Avoir II.

Congratulations to Étienne on celebrating your 20th year!

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