A Night of Volcanic Proportions | Toronto Teacher Mom

A Night of Volcanic Proportions

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Last night, shortly after midnight, my son gets sick. All. Over. His bed. It was a mess of volcanic proportions. The traumatic effects of the aftermath are such that I am going to be seeking out therapy. It is as if the horrific images have been permanently etched in my brain and the putrid smells irrevocably embedded into the sensory preceptors of my olfactory bulb. Seriously. I need help.

It has been nearly six hours and I am still trying to cope with the laundry (stain cycle, high soil setting and extra rinse), which I have graciously refrained from photographing for you. Cause really, who needs to see that? We're talking double-size bedsheets, pillow covers, duvet, mattress protector (best invention ever!), duvet covers and even the pillows. I have air purifier #1 running in his room and air purifier #2 on full blast in the lower level of the house. But if I had my druthers, I would rather burn the entire house down. And even then I am sure I will still be haunted by the disturbing sight of my son's partially digested dinner spewed across his bed and the resulting noxious fumes. 

As a mother, I am fully aware that these types of events will happen periodically throughout my children's lives and I have dealt with plenty of such 'outbursts' already. More often than not, I have no problem coping with these types of situations. Yet, never have I been so overwhelmed by what I saw, what I smelled and what I had to clean up. I am pretty certain that, had this happened in a science lab, alarms would be going off signaling the required use of a hazmat suit.

I guess I should be grateful that my son is one tough cookie.

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  1. Oh no! And happening in the middle of the night just makes it so much worse. Hugs to you Mama! I hope P feels better real soon.

    1. Thanks, Deborah. He's been quite the trooper. It's me who can't seem to cope. LOL

  2. That is the worst, I've had that happen to me so many times and it's not nice or pretty. I don't like when kids get sick I feel so sorry for them

    1. Same here. I feel so badly because I know how much I hate the feeling.

  3. I remember those days well. I also recall almost tossing my own cookies when I cleaned up the mess! Hope he's feeling better soon & you don't have an encore performance.

  4. The joys of parenthood :( Hope that you both recover from the ordeal quick! (Judy Cowan)

  5. I can't do it without getting sick myself, that's why when I had food poisonong it lasted so long because I get sick after I get sick, haha, tough except for that!, in the middle of the night , you are my hero!

  6. LOLLLL. So sorry. Gosh I hate that. Middle of the night call. Mom, I don't ---bleack....never ever do they make it to the bathroom fast enough. A couple years ago we got food poisoning I think from an event we were at as a family and the girls took turns barfing all night over and over. I cleaned it and more would come. Also the best part was that the little one had been drinking blue koolaid on Family Day. Blue puke. I could have used a hazmat that time.

  7. Oh what an awful thing to have to deal with in the middle of the night! Is he feeling better? I'd be so tempted to toss those sheets, although I know I wouldn't actually do it...

  8. oh I do not miss those clean up days, I found mine once asleep in all the mess so not only did I have to wash she needed to be bathed too. Chandra Chrisitne O'Connor

  9. Oh my goodness. I can handle so many things as a Mom, but vomit is the one that has me gagging right alongside them!

  10. There is nothing worse then a vomiting child, you hold their head while you gag and then clean up the mess because hubby has taken off outside to get some fresh air, the life of a mother

  11. Ugh! Poor you! I have been so fortunate in my 13 years as a parent to have missed most of the hair-holding or after-math thanks to my husband!


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