Mental Madness No. 1 | Toronto Teacher Mom

Mental Madness No. 1

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The other day, Mama D began a game called "Say WHAT?" where you have to identify the 80's movie from which a piece of dialog has been taken. It was a fun challenge. It made me think of what I like most and since I love puzzles, namely word puzzles, why not host a game myself? I'm a big fan of Variety Puzzles by Penny Press. So I've decided to make up a game using brain teasers I've created that are similar to those in the Variety magazines. I challenge all readers to use their brain. The first person to correctly identify the (most) answers will receive:

1. a personally designed banner award to add to your sidebar
2. a special spot linked to your blog at the top of my sidebar
3. and a year's subscription to Variety Puzzles & Games

Okay, so #3 was just a rouse to get you excited. You won't win a free subscription. But if you'd like, I would be more than happy to mail you a page or two of incomplete puzzles from some of my old magazines. Really, I insist. I would be totally willing to part with them knowing that some fellow puzzle fanatic would give them the attention they so deserve.

And now for our first puzzle. Like to hear it? Here it goes:

Guess Who

Change one letter in each of the following words in order to form the name of a famous person.

Example: Bead Pint (Answer: Brad Pitt)

1. Owen Stefano
2. Tim Ranks
3. Saul Samon
4. Harry Bands
5. Joy Lens
6. Luv Typer
7. Plaude Money
8. Jone Justen
9. Silly Noel
10. Mill Gages

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  1. 1.Gwen Stefani
    2.Tom Hanks
    3.Paul Simon
    5.Jay Leno
    6.Liv Tyler
    7.Claude Monet
    8.Jane Austen
    9.Billy Joel
    10.Bill Gates

  2. #4 Has me stumped.
    Harry Sands?
    Barry Lands?
    Garry Hands?
    Larry Bando?

    Can you tell I'm grasping at straws here?

  3. 1.Gwen Stefani
    2.Tom Hanks
    3.Paul Simon
    4.Barry Bonds
    5.Jay Leno
    6.Liv Tyler
    7.Claude Monet
    8.Jane Austen
    9.Billy Joel
    10.Bill Gates

    What a fun game!!

  4. By the way, I really would love some of those puzzles. I love puzzles, all kinds!!

  5. Man, I was going to do it, but someone beat me to it! :) What a fun game!! :)

  6. I'm no good at puzzles but I enjoyed seeing the answers! that was fun :)


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