RESULTS: Robert Munsch Poll | Toronto Teacher Mom

RESULTS: Robert Munsch Poll

Monday, May 01, 2006

Last month, I decided to poll my readers on books written by one of my all-time favourite childrens' authors Robert Munsch. I kept checking the results periodically, mainly because I haven't read many of his new books so I'm curious to see which ones are most popular before I add to my collection. To my surprise, there were only a total of 11 votes, seven of which were my own! (What can I say? I grew up reading Robert Munsch and I still can't pick a favourite!) To those four readers who voted: Thank you for your input. I appreciate it. I'm just guessing that Robert Munsch isn't as popular as I thought, being as he is a local writer perhaps. Anyway, for those of you who aren't familiar with his work, check it out. You'll be sure to get a good laugh. Especially if you get a chance to hear him read it. He has the best sound effects! Anyway, not surprisingly, "Love You Forever" was the favourite. It's a very sweet story that will be sure to make any sensitive parent shed a tear or two. It's very sentimental unlike his other stories, which are mostly humourous and very entertaining, inspired mostly by children he meets at the library during story time. The poll results are as follows:

Love You Forever -------- 5 votes
David's Father ---------- 1 vote
Good Families Don't ----- 1 vote
Murmel, Murmel, Murmel - 1 vote
The Paper Bag Princess --- 1 vote
Show and Tell ---------- 1 vote
Thomas' Snowsuit ------- 1 vote
Alligator Baby ---------- 0 votes
The Dark -------------- 0 votes
Mmm, Cookies! --------- 0 votes
Millicent and the Wind --- 0 votes
Mortimer -------------- 0 votes

Stay tuned for this month's poll.

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  1. If I had ever read any of the books I would have voted...but now that the results are in...I can look up the most popular ones! :D Thanks for the heads-up about this author!

  2. Hey, no problem Dawynel! It's just kind of weird sometimes that people aren't more familiar with him but then I keep forgetting that he's a local author and I guess he doesn't get a lot of international exposure. I hope you enjoy his books! I'm curious, have you ever come across any of his books in bookstores where you live?

  3. I will have to read more of his books. I LOVE "Love you Forever". My fav. But I will have to read others.

  4. Isn't it such a great book, Rachelle? I've given so many copies as gifts to friends who've recently become new moms. It's a hit every time. Have fun reading his other ones!

  5. I voted! I haven't read many of the other one's. Paper Bag Princesss I think and Thomas' Snowsuit. 'Love you Forever' is still my favorite.

  6. Okay...so I guess if I had looked up the author online before I would have recognized some of the stories. I just looked at my local library's website and they have 33 books by the guy! AND yes, I have read Love you Forever....LOVE IT!! LOVE IT!! LOVE IT!! In fact...on a local radio station EVERY Mothers' Day they read that story and it brings me to tears!!

  7. Well, there ya go. His books are out there after all!

  8. I love Robert Munsch books! I agree it is hard to pick a fvourite, but if I had to it would be a tie between Love you Forever and Paper Bag Princess.

  9. Hey Diana,

    Are you okay? It's been a while and I am kinda worried about you.

  10. Diana....are you there?? Are you okay?? I've missed reading your blog....maybe you're just being a busy mom! Just post and let us know! We're worried!

  11. K, I got to thinking about this and went to the link you had to Munsch's site (holy cow! did you know you can download him reading the stories for FREE?!) and there is a story about him. I was a Library storyteller, and one of my co-storytellers was this gal who was a bit of a freak... she had a sister who was a LOT of a freak. Well her sister's kid flushed her watch down the toilette, so her sister (true story) wrote to Mr. Munsch to complain because she was SURE that it was due to the lousy influence of his book that her sweet angel would do such a thing.

    and GET THIS... the man mailed her a very lovely and far more valuable watch than the crap-watch that got flushed. My co-storyteller told me this... I knew her sister, and believe that she would do such a thing, but I think that if indeed Mr. Munsch sent her a watch instead of telling her to get stuffed (as I would have graciously done)... then he is a saint and a sweetie!

    I like Alligator Baby the best.

  12. No kidding?!?!? He sent her a watch? Wow, that was incredibly sweet! And what a small world, eh? I never knew you were a storyteller. That's so cool. And no, I didn't know you could download Munsch reading his stories for free. Very cool! Thanks for sharing Bon!

  13. The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.



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