Oliver's Labels Review with Discount Code | Toronto Teacher Mom

Oliver's Labels Review with Discount Code

Friday, July 02, 2010

Over the past year or so, I have had the opportunity to try out a variety of different labels from various label companies. I have yet to find one that I didn't like but I do have favourites based on the quality and amount of options available when customizing. One such label company is Oliver's Labels based right here in good ol' Toronto. I first wrote about them over a year ago and still have tonnes of labels left from the School Package I bought for my daughter and the Preschool Package I bought for my son.

What makes Oliver's Labels stand out from all the rest? It's their unique Fount-It Tracking System. When you select the option of including a Found-It code on your labels, you are taking advantage of their free virtual lost-and-found. Should you ever lose an item with one of these labels, the person who finds it will read the prompt to go to oliverslabels.com and enter the unique tracking code. Then Oliver's Labels will send you an email notifying you that someone has found your lost item and arrangements can be made to return the lost item to you with Oliver's Labels as the go-between. In that way, all of your personal contact information remains confidential. Neat, isn't it?

In our house, Oliver's Labels has been used on school supplies, backpacks, shoes, water bottles and toys. We've even used the new Stick-eez Clothing Labels on some of the kids jackets and sweaters. And the best part is they require no ironing or sewing since they adhere to the care-tags quite nicely and wash very well. They have proven to be very durable over the last year and I love that they can be used on so many things, including items that go in the dishwasher, freezer, washing machine and dryer. So, yes, they are "the perfect way to identify all your kids' stuff so it comes back home again." But what about my stuff?

When I was asked to review a sample of Oliver's Labels last week, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to try out the designs aimed at adults. I used my last name only so that I can use it on items that either my husband or I might use, or use it on my stuff at work because my students are used to me leaving things behind in their classrooms. Here are the labels I received early this week in the stylish Rococo design:

Yesterday, for Canada Day, my husband and I took the kids on their first ever trip to Canada's Wonderland. We had a backpack full of stuff needed for the day outing and, for fear of losing it amidst the hustle and bustle often found at amusement parks, I chose to label it with the handsome brown and blue coloured label. I even labeled my precious digital camera. Whatever would I do if I were to lose it!

All in all, I would definitely recommend Oliver's Labels to anyone looking for high-quality, durable, customizable and Canadian-made labels with the added security of the Found-It Tracking System. I know of people who have actually had missing items returned and were very grateful for it. I am also thrilled to share a promotional code for my readers. Enter the code OLIVERSFRIENDS at checkout and receive a 10% discount. A big thank-you to Oliver's Labels for the opportunity to review their products and for the discount code!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary sample pack of Oliver's Labels for the purpose of this review. I was not compensated in any way. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own and have not been influenced in any way.

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  1. Thx for the review and for the coupon code - I just placed my order! I can't wait to see what they look like and to give them a try myself :)

  2. That's great! Considering I wrote this post a year ago, I'm happy that the discount code still worked for you. Enjoy!

  3. Coupon code worked for me, too! Thanks for the tip!

    1. Even two years later, it still works? Glad you got a discount!


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