OMG! This Bedtime Tip Really Works! | Toronto Teacher Mom

OMG! This Bedtime Tip Really Works!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

I haven't blogged much about this topic because I'm a little reluctant to admit that my kids generally won't go to sleep on their own. So, yes, we lay next to them. There, I said it.

My son is 2 and my daughter is 5, so I can understand their need to have someone keep them company. And I'm not against co-sleeping at all. I just want need to sleep in my own bed and it's nice to have my hubby next to me.

What usually happens is that I put my daughter to sleep (in her twin-size bed) while my husband lays next to my son in his big boy bed (which is a double). I try to just sit at the end of her bed but I am often so tired, I end up curling up in a ball and falling asleep. This means I fall asleep in an awkward position, without any covers and will wake up in the middle of the night with a sore neck and feeling cold.

I have always been steadfast against putting our kids to bed this way but they, mainly my daughter, got used to it during infancy. I did go through a period where I sort of 'weaned' her off the need to have someone lay next to her. But then we found ourselves getting lazy and becoming inconsistent. Especially when she would get sick. And sometimes it's just easier to give in.

But I want my bed. It's so comfortable. And big. And spacious. And I want my daughter to have a sense of security and feel comfortable going to bed by herself. Because I know she can do it. And she did! For the past two nights, I have been jumping up and down over the fact that she went to sleep on her own. Yes, it's true!

How did this happen?

A couple of days ago, I noticed a tweet by @DrGreene in which he shared a link to his "Bedtime Pass Program" and boy, am I glad I followed it. In this article, he suggests using a bedtime pass that can be used only once each night for whatever need your child might have. Once it's used, though, that's it. If your child leaves his/her, you need to take them back to bed without talking or making eye contact. Sounds all Super Nanny.

Anyway, my daughter and I used our Cricut to cut out a door hanger and decorated it with the poodle from the Cricut Create a Critter cartridge. This is what we use for her bedtime pass.

Bedtime Pass

She has been pretty cooperative with this idea and the first night, she never used it. Tonight, she used it early on but after I took her back to bed, she fell asleep instantly. I wanted to cry, "Eureka!" You have no idea how amazed I am at the simplicity of this little trick. It requires such minimal effort and no begging. I love it! I could cry at how easy it is. Now, you know that by posting this, I'll end up jinxing the whole thing and she'll stay up late tomorrow putting up a fuss. But, I just had to share this with you. I really hope it continues to work for us. Oh, and thank you Dr. Alan Greene!

And by the way, if you or anyone you know owns a Cricut, you can win a Cricut Create a Critter cartridge in Jalisa's blogoversary giveaway. Just sayin'.

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  1. Hey Lynette! The concept behind this is so simple and yet brilliant! And it's still working. I love it!

  2. Awww, I love this idea!! I read the article and love that some of the kids hang onto it at night just in case they need it.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Hope all is going well :)


  3. Definitely, a good night's sleep is crucial! I hope it continues to be effective in our house. My son is only 2 but I think perhaps we'll try it with him when he's a little older and can grasp the concept.

  4. No problem, Wendy. Hope it works for you, too. It's been three days and so far so good. I'm hoping it doesn't wear off...

  5. No problem, Wendy. Hope it works for you, too. It's been three days and so far so good. I'm hoping it doesn't wear off...

  6. What a fantasitc little tip! I'm sure lots of Mamas will be thrilled you pased it along. We all need to get a good nights sleep so we can be good parents:)

  7. What a fantasitc little tip! I'm sure lots of Mamas will be thrilled you pased it along. We all need to get a good nights sleep so we can be good parents:)

  8. I'm soooo going to have to try this with my almost-4 year old. The 6 year old is good for staying in bed (tho not always all night long). The little one comes up with every excuse in the book for why she's out of bed. Thanks for this...I'm going to try it.


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