March Break Guide: Piff Paff Poof and a Poof Prize Pack Giveaway
Tuesday, March 08, 2011

“Piff Paff Poof is the perfect production to introduce children to their number one companion – their imagination.” - David Ben.
Created by Magicana, a performing arts and charitable organization, Piff Paff Poof is a "great opportunity for parents and children to take a break from video screens and television sets and share a wonder-filled family journey."
What: Piff Paff Poof is a fun, friendly show where children can interact and take part in the thrills of live theatre. Join magic-maker Eng and Poof! (the mischievous, carrot-loving rabbit) and special guest entertainers Mark Lewis and Richard Lyn (Tricky Ricky) - two of Toronto's most sought-after children's entertainers.
Who: Children aged 5-12 and the young at heart
When: March 5, 6, 12*, 13 - 20, 26, 27
*Performance for this date will take place in Studio B.
Time: All performances begin at 3:00 p.m
Cost: Tickets can be purchased online for $25.00 each or 4-packs are available for $80.00 through or by calling (416) 913-9034.

- 1 pair of tickets to the March 15 show.
- Button that says: "My mom thinks I'm better than Poof"
- Kids T-shirt that says Piff Paff Poof
- 2 post cards (advert for show and the "missing" poster - see attached) Magic trick (ball & vase - Poof's favourite trick).
For a chance to win, read up on the Magic Makers and leave a comment telling me something interesting you learned about them. (You need to click on the word "comments" in the footer of this post if you don't see the Disqus comment form.)
For additional entries, you may choose to do any or all of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each entry indicating what you have done.
- Follow Piff Paff Poof on Twitter.
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- Become a follower of Toronto Teacher Mom on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway. Tweet daily for additional entries. Feel free to use the following tweet:
Join @PiffPaffBunny in Toronto this March. Enter today to win free tickets @teachermomoftwo
Contest ends March 14 at 10 am EST and is open to Ontario residents who are able to attend the show in Toronto on Wednesday, March 15 at 3:00 pm. Winner will be selected using and must reply to the notification email within 24 hours or a new winner will be drawn.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment here on Toronto Teacher Mom. Hope you have a great day!