Happy Father's Day! | Toronto Teacher Mom

Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today is Father's Day and my husband is out golfing. My daughter's friend, who she met in preschool and just moved on our street, is coming over for a playdate this morning. And later, we'll be having a BBQ. Yesterday, we visited my mom and dad in Hamilton and were able to enjoy watching airplanes fly overhead from the comfort of their backyard. My son was so incredibly excited, he was oblivious to the heat and refused to replace his pants with more comfortable shorts. We saw the Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress (Memphis Belle), the North American B-25J Mitchell and I think we even caught a glimpse of the Avro Lancaster Mk. X (see bottom of ad). It was pretty neat! Next year, I will definitely take him to see the Hamilton Airshow. He'll be over the moon!

What are your plans for Father's Day?

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