Win a ShesConnected Conference Pass! | Toronto Teacher Mom

Win a ShesConnected Conference Pass!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

As most of you know, the 2nd annual ShesConnected Conference 2011 will be taking place here in Toronto on September 29 and 30. Since you cannot purchase tickets to this event, you need to apply to attend. Many attendees have been announced and I can feel the excitement building.

As an advisor, I have the wonderful opportunity to give away a conference pass. Simply head on over to the ShesConnected Conference contest form and tell us why you deserve to attend for a chance to win! And while you will be guaranteed to have a blast hanging with yours truly, you will still be responsible for travel and accommodations. But I might be able to snag you a beer...

Be sure to enter before September 6, 2011. Open to Canadian residents only.

And remember, if you are active across all major social networks and have established relationships with other influential women, you can still apply to be one of 200 Top Digitally Connected Women in Canada to attend the conference for FREE!

Here are some of the criteria:
  • you are a member of ShesConnected.com
  • you are Canadian
  • you are extremely active across all social media (Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
  • you post frequently on Blogs, Twitter and Facebook
  • you post high quality content
  • you are eager to work with Brands
  • you fit the demographic their sponsors are targeting
Don't forget to RSVP for the fabulous #SCCTO Twitter parties, too!

Thanks to all the wonderful SCCTO sponsors and the amazing people behind ShesConnected for making it all happen!

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  1. Thanks! Just entered. Hope for you to snag me a beer, and what do you know I like Molson! :)

  2. Entered! fingers are crossed...met u briefly once. Would love to meet again!

  3. Would love to meet you again, too! Good luck!

  4. Silly question- are you allowed to enter from each of the amazing blogs giving away a ticket? Or is only one entry allowed?

    (I'm really wanting to meet everyone....can't you tell? ;))

    missbobloblaw @ Talking Momcents

  5. You can enter them all! But of course, you can only win once. ;) Good luck!

  6. Oh boy I am hoping to win this one! It is the day after my birthday so what an awesome birthday present this would be.

    ontariohappychick at gmail dot com

  7. That would be a great post-birthday present!

  8. Thank you for this opportunity~!!


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