With a husband who can cook and make everything taste good, I sometimes find myself intimidated in the kitchen. I know he can cook much, much better than I can so it only makes sense for me not to interfere, right? Thus, I'll stick with the simpler things that require less prep and effort, such as appetizers and desserts. While walking through Whole Foods one day, I came across a sampling table where customers could try a bruschetta goat cheese canapé. It was so tasty and easy to make that I picked up a package of Woolrich Dairy Chevrai Bruschetta Goat Cheese to keep in the fridge for when company came over. For the bases, I decided to use Villaggio Whole Wheat Sliced Bread cut into squares and toasted to add a hint of crispiness.
For this recipe, I used four slices of Villaggio Italian Style bread. Trim the crust, which can later be used to make bread crumbs. Cut into squares or use a cutter to make more interesting bite-size shapes.
- Sunday, December 30, 2012