Meet Canadian Mom Blogger Tracie Wagman
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tracie and I "met" on Twitter many, many moons ago but oddly enough we first met in person about a year ago. It was at a taping of Parents Talk at the Rogers television studio while waiting to get our make-up done. We chatted for a few minutes before realizing we followed each other on Twitter and now we tweet all the time. Funny how random things seem in the world of social media.
Tracie is the co-owner of Help We've Got Kids. In addition to raising
her two children, volunteering on several non-profit boards and trying to
keep the business running, Tracie is on a never-ending quest for balance
and sanity.....can it even exist?
Help We've Got Kids is a local, online directory for all the
things parents need for their kids. Tracie's blog is a personal take on
running a business, running a household and all the issues, concerns and
comedies that those entail.
Help is across Canada and Tracie is located in Toronto. Tracie has two
kids and in her spare time volunteers and sits on boards for several
non-profits such as Canopy Planet, G(irls) 20 Summit and Environmental
Defence as well as trying to help the team over at Aids-Free World. She
rarely sleeps and is known to read a book a week!
Help is 19 years old and Tracie has been running the business for 3 years. She started blogging just over a year ago.
After years and years in the corporate world, Tracie decided to take
matters into her own hands. Running Help has been rewarding but
difficult. The best part has been the flexibility to carpool my kids to
and from school, help them with homework and after school activities
etc. BUT the hard part is that it never ends. Running your own business
is a 24/7 job. But she wouldn't change it for anything!
Want to find out more?

Tracie's Blog is here
Help We've Got Kids can be found at
Tweet me at
Fan us on Facebook at
If you are a Canadian Mom Blogger and would like to be featured on Toronto Teacher Mom, send me an email at
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