The Ultimate Blog Party 2012 | Toronto Teacher Mom

The Ultimate Blog Party 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

And so, let's get this UBParty started!

This is going to be a crazy fun week with lots of prizes up for grabs and the chance to discover new blogs. I first participated in 2010 and had no idea how amazing this party really was. It goes without saying that I had to participate again this year. I have also decided to sponsor a UBP12 giveaway consisting of a $75 Amazon gift certificate (open worldwide). So be sure to head on over to the official Ultimate Blog Party post on 5MinutesforMom.com for more details on how you can win and to visit all the fabulous bloggers who will be participating this year.

About Toronto Teacher Mom

When I first started this blog, I never really put much thought into the title. A lot of clever names had already been chosen by some pretty talented  bloggers so I resorted to using a title that reflected who I was - a teacher and a mom living in Toronto. While I am no longer so fond of my blog title, I am very grateful for all of the wonderful opportunities that have come about and for all of the amazing connections I have made along the way. It has been through blogging that I have found a community where I feel like I belong. And having left my hometown, family and friends to move to a new city with my husband and take on a new job, it became very important for me to feel some sort of a connection with other moms. It hasn't always been easy over the years but there is consolation in knowing that there is someone somewhere out there in the online world who is ready to lend a listening ear, share advice or simply empathize.

Here are six things you may not know about me:
  1. I can blow little bubbles using my tongue. (Gross but true.)
  2. I don't like it when different foods that are on the same plate touch each other. (I'm getting better. Maybe.)
  3. My parents are Portuguese but I speak French, Italian and Spanish a lot better than I speak Portuguese.
  4. I chew on my tongue while concentrating hard, like when I'm cutting out something for a craft. (I also enjoy making handmade greeting cards.)
  5. I like to salsa dance by myself when no one is looking. Or Zumba. Or pretend I'm a ninja.
  6. I do not like to write and yet I've become addicted to blogging...
If you like lists, check out my list of Top Ten Things I Wish My Husband Would Do for a little chuckle.
What do I do when I'm not busy blogging or tweeting? Well, play with the kids, of course! I have a beautiful 6 year old girl and an almost 4 year old handsome little boy. The former enjoys playing tennis, Mario Party 8 and jumping rope. The latter loves playing with his cars. And his firetrucks. And his dump trucks. And, well, the list goes on. It's hard to believe he'll be starting kindergarten in September. Where does the time go?

In previous years during UBP, I had invited visitors to inquire about how many languages I can speak or to ask any questions about me or my blog such as what my hobbies are, or why I'm a Twitter addict. This year, I would love to learn more about you. Share one thing about you that you feel is the most interesting, funny or unusual. I won't tell anyone. I swear.

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  1. Visiting from the UBP12 linky :) I totally love salsa dancing by myself when no one is looking btw ;)

    Have a fun party!

    1. Ha! Love that you enjoy salsa as much as I do. Thanks for stopping by, Angela!

  2. Hi fellow party goer! I'm popping by from UBP2012 to say hi!
    Cheers from a fellow Toronto native,

    1. Hi Char! So nice to meet a fellow Torontonian! Glad you could stop by. Hope you enjoy the rest of UBP12!

  3. You must vlog the blowing bubbles thing.

  4. Hi.... I come for the party ^___^ I found your site from UBP 2012. Hope you come to my party post too, http://bit.ly/ubp2012. While you are there, feel free to enter our current giveaway (few of them in cash). Thank you.

    Juliana RW

    ps: nice to meet u here.

    1. So nice to meet you, Juliana! Hope you enjoy the rest of the party!

  5. Sweet girl I love your post! So thrilled to have met you and know you IRL:) Enjoy the Party you dancing queen!!

    1. My dearest Stephanie,
      It has been a true delight getting to know you both on and offline. I can always count on your blog posts for a good laugh or three.

      Party on!

  6. Too funny! I do not like my food touching on a plate either or I will not eat it!! Everyone thinks I am strange, my niece is the same as me and the only 2 people I have known to do this and now a 3rd, I think it's normal if I wanted to taste things mixed together I would have stew! Bawhaha:) Oh yeah and I am not changing that and I am way older than you:)

    1. OMG you do? No way! I always feel like a kid when I nitpick over foods touching but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. And for the record, I do not like stew. LOL Thanks for sharing!

  7. I have a totally useless skill of being able to re-pack almost anything as it originally came in the package :P Great for returns though! I'd like to see you be a ninja while salsa dancing - j/k. It's so neat that you speak so many different languages. I can speak some Dutch since I lived in the Netherlands for four years but not fluently. Nice to meet you through UBP!

    TerriAnn @ Cookies & Clogs

    1. Hi TerriAnn! It's so nice to meet a skilled re-packer who can speak Dutch. :) This is why I love UBP so much. I already have a couple of ideas for future vlogs: one demonstrating how I can make bubbles with my tongue and now another one to show my attempts at being a ninja while salsa dancing. LOL

      So nice to meet you and hope you enjoy the rest of the party!

  8. Stopping from the UBP! I taught school for year too and now stay home with my 4 year old son!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Nice to meet a fellow teacher. Will you ever go back to work some day?

  9. Ciao bella Diana! Ecco la cosa che non sapeva di me - posso parlare e scrivere in Italiano! Ho visuto in Italia per tre anni prima di aver' i bimbi. So there's my fun fact! Now we have a little thing in common ;) Glad to know you will be partying with me this week! A dopo, Julia a.k.a. Mama MOE

    1. Julia, scrivi in italiano così bene. Sei bravissima! What part of Italy did you live in? I studied in Siena for a month one summer and hope to go back one day.

  10. Thanks so much for stopping by our party at Thanks, Mail Carrier, Diana! I love this post (I can't believe you said that you don't like to write, have you actually read what you can do?) and am so glad that I came by to meet you. Also, I just filled out my UBP prize form a little while ago and your gift certificate was listed as one of my top 5 picks, so thanks for the generous addition! :)

    Hmmm, something interesting about me? How about this: I've never once had a hamburger. Or a hot dog. Or ANY meat for that matter. My mom became a vegetarian in her 20s and I was raised without it... now people just look at me like I'm from Mars when I agree that no, no I don't know what I'm missing.

  11. I love that you dance and moonlight as a ninja. :)

    My list of things is here at CleverCompass.com .

    I'm bilingual and hope to one day add more languages to my repertoire.

  12. You wonderful multilingual zumba gal. So glad to know you.
    Interesting tidbit about me? I can wiggle my nose!
    And, at 2 I was found floating face down in a stream, unconscious and was revived by my grandmother. Terrified of drowning to this day.

    1. I think it's cool that I know someone who can wiggle her nose! Between that and my bubble-blowing magic, you and I can take our talents on the road. Ha!

      Sorry you were traumatized by such a scary event at such a young age. I can't even imagine how frightful it was.

  13. Hi Cascia! Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy the rest of the party!

  14. Thanks for your fabulous giveaway. I'm your newest follower and live about an hour east of Toronto :)

    1. Hi Danielle-Marie! Just popped by your lovely blog. Nice to meet a fellow Ontarian!

      Happy UBP12!

  15. Greetings from UBP12. Dropping by to say hello!!! I can make different shapes with my tongue...for instance I can make it look like a clam shell!! :)
    Have fun during the party!!

    -Emily, Timedog.com

  16. Christina - xristya@rock.com - Love your site! Next year I hope to have a blog of my own (reviewing books and films). Happy UBP 2012!

  17. Good afternoon! Stopping by from UBP. I'm with you, foods can't touch each other on a plate. That's why it looks like I'm eating enough for five people, because I use more than one plate to hold my food so they don't touch.
    I think handmade gretting cards are beautiful and personal. I used to make them but seemed to have lost the time.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment here on Toronto Teacher Mom. Hope you have a great day!

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