Butterball #SchoolLunchIdeas Twitter Party - Aug. 21 | Toronto Teacher Mom

Butterball #SchoolLunchIdeas Twitter Party - Aug. 21

Friday, August 10, 2012

Did you know that you can enjoy delicious Butterball Turkey all year round? From turkey burgers and franks to bacon-style turkey and luncheon meats, every day is a good day to indulge in low-fat, flavourful food. And, with so many scrumptious options to choose from, Butterball Canada makes it as easy as turkey pot pie.

This month, Butterball Canada has joined the world of social media, which means you can now follow @Butterball_CA on Twitter and Butterball Canada on Facebook.

To celebrate, we are throwing a #SchoolLunchIdeas Twitter Party on Tuesday, August 21 from 8:00-9:30pm EST. There'll be lots of turkey talk, sharing your favourite back-to-school lunch tips and, of course, tons of prizes! Come join us with your best advice for healthy, well-balanced lunches or tweet out your questions about Butterball's delicious and convenient products.


DATE: Tuesday, August 21

TIME: 8pm – 9:30pm EST

PARTY HASHTAG: #SchoolLunchIdeas

Hosted By: @Butterball_CA  

Moderated By: @Listen2Lena - @MyChaos - @Nugglemama - @SimplyStacieNet - @TeacherMomofTwo

RSVP below for your chance to win, and tweet you on Tuesday!

*Please be sure to enter your Twitter Handle “@yourTwitterhandle” in the Link/Blog Title field, and your Twitter URL “www.twitter.com/yourtwitterhandle” in the Link Field*

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  1. Signed up ready to go.....BTW What wine goes turkey & a twitter party ? #planningahead

    1. Yay, Sherrie! Um, regarding the wine... I'm not much of a connoisseur. You can tell you're a teacher #planningahead. :)


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