Ziploc Space Bags - Facing The Final Frontier | Toronto Teacher Mom

Ziploc Space Bags - Facing The Final Frontier

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

This is the testimony of Toronto Teacher Mom, her continuing mission to explore strange new storage solutions, to seek out new space and new organization, to boldly go where no husband has gone before.

Apparently today is the first day of spring. With the arrival of the season is the inevitable need for me to get into spring cleaning mode by packing away the bulky blankets and comforters, and trying to find somewhere to store them all for the next several months. Luckily, I was sent the new Ziploc Space Bags collection to help de-clutter our home and take better advantage of the little storage space we have.

First, I tried the Ziploc Hanging Suit Bag. I decided to store a number of my husbands shirts and sweaters that he hasn't worn in years. Many of them were hanging on a thick wooden hanger so I transferred them to wire or plastic hangers to save some space. I maxed it out at ten of my husband's tops, as per the directions, but I probably could have fit a few more.

Step 1: Hang the clothes inside the bag.

Step 2: Zip up the bag.
Step 3: Open the valve.
Step 4: Use a vacuum to suck out the air.

It was very easy to do and I was done in about five minutes. The amount of space I cleared up in our shared (yes, shared!) closet is remarkable. So you know what this means? More space to fill as I try to update my wardrobe!

Next, I used an extra large Ziploc Space Bag to store a queen-size comforter. It was quite difficult trying to zip it closed but once I managed to do so, I couldn't believe how much the bag shrunk! The thickness of the sealed comforter was thinner than the Ziploc packaging. I could easily store the comforter in a dresser drawer.

Ziploc Space Bags are going to come in real handy this spring. Among the product line is an assortment of travel bags which I think will save many travelers much hassle. Just compress, roll out the air and you're ready to go. I also think they'd be perfect to take with us if we end up going camping this summer. 

Want to try out Ziploc Space Bags? One lucky Toronto Teacher Mom reader will win a Home Storage Essentials gift basket courtesy of Ziploc Space Bags. The prize pack includes the following products:
  • Combo Assortment Pack
  • Jumbo Bags
  • Cube Bags
  • Hanging Suit Bags
  • Travel Bags
To enter, leave a comment on this post telling us which room you would de-clutter if you were to win the Ziploc Home Storage Essentials gift basket. Then fill out the Giveaway Tools form below for bonus entries.

Disclosure: I was sent product to help facilitate this review. Any opinions expressed in this post are my own.

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  1. My sewing room is in need of de-cluttering.

  2. I'd declutter the spare room closet.
    My rafflecopter name is Julie G.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I plan to de-clutter my bedroom closet! cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

  5. I have a spare bedroom that I am hoping to turn into a craft/sewing room so that is the room I would de-clutter. It is the room where I store seasonal bedding and clothes so these bags would free up a lot of space in there.

  6. We have a very small spare bedroom which at the moment is full of 'stuff', hoping to start sorting that out soon and de-clutter. So I am hoping these bags will help

  7. We live in a 28ft RV over the summer and I would love help to try and de-clutter it!

  8. My daughter's closet needs organization!

  9. The closet in our laundry room is a mess so I would hit that up first!

  10. I have 2 closets that need help

  11. The clothes which await the younger siblings to catch up size wise.

  12. I'd totally declutter the laundry room

  13. My closets with comforters and winter coats etc

  14. Since my daughter moved out, her room has become a storage area. That needs some decluttering.

  15. My bedroom closet,it is a mess!

    (Karla Sceviour on rafflecopter)

  16. I plan to declutter my bedroom!!!

    Tammy Dalley on rafflecopter

  17. since our whole place is small this would be ideal and I would de-clutter the whole place

  18. I plan to de-clutter my closet.

  19. I plan to de-clutter my closet

  20. The bedroom closet - ok, my side of it!!!

  21. I would declutter the linen closets!!

  22. I would clean up my bedroom with these handy bags!

  23. I plan to de clutter my basement!

  24. the basement - lots of clothes to put away

  25. my bedroom, i need it to store my winter clothing

  26. the kitchen and washroom

  27. I would de-clutter in the bedrooms. :-)

    SueSueper Sue

  28. I have been planning to try these for a while. I have 2 comforters and several blankets and pillows that need to be stored away...in a very small linen cupboard. This is the greatest idea I have seen plus I love ziploc products.

  29. I plan to de-clutter my bedrooms ... there's way to many things here and there

    sweetpanda2010 at gmail dot com

  30. My bedroom!!!


  31. oh my bedroom needs serious help
    kidpack05 at yahoo dt com

  32. my bedroom needs a spring big cleaning


  33. Bedrooms to store away winter blankets.

  34. every where, but mostly my closet!

  35. my spare bedroom closet is full of my work clothes that I haven't worn since I retired, I really need to declutter.

  36. My son's bedroom closet as he has way to much stuffed in there!

  37. I would declutter my bedroom closet. It's a mess and I need to make sense of all the clothes and shoes I have in there.

  38. I am going to declutter my workshop - so many things are not grouped together and I can't find anything quickly

  39. i am going to declutter my bedroom/closet if i win, store all the winter things

  40. My bedroom closet. It's a walk-in closet and it's just SCARY right now.

  41. Our bedroom would be the first room I would de-clutter

  42. I would definitely declutter my kids' bedrooms!

  43. the bedroom - I store too much in it

  44. My clothes closet needs major de-cluttering!!

  45. I would declutter my kitchen!

  46. I'd declutter the bedroom.

  47. Bedroom closet needs an old fashioned spring cleaning

  48. I would use the bags on the contents my linen cupboard downstairs.

  49. My bedroom really needs to be de-cluttered. My closet recently fell apart and so i only have the use of half of it at the moment.


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