Honeywell AirGenius 5 Air Cleaner | Toronto Teacher Mom

Honeywell AirGenius 5 Air Cleaner

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It is nearly November and this week has seen some pretty frigid temperatures. I have already had to pull out my long winter coat to keep me nice and warm during supervision duties and the heater in our home has been running for about a month now. This is also the time when we tend to spend more time indoors which means this is usually when I pull out the air purifier. This year, our family will be using the Honeywell AirGenius 5 Air Cleaner to help reduce allergens, germs and odours. 

At first, I was surprised by the sheer size of the unit. It only makes sense, though, since it is designed for large rooms up to 250 sq. ft. Featuring the patented QuietClean® ifD® advanced filtration technology, this air cleaner captures 99.9% of particles, both the ones you can see and the really small microscopic ones.

The smart controls are unique and allow you to easily select one of five air cleaning levels using easy-tap touch sensitive controls: SLEEP (almost silent operation), GERM (for cold & flu season), GENERAL Cleaning, ALLERGEN (for peak allergen season) or MAX Cleaning Power. While the first setting is fairly quiet, I found it to be really loud at the highest setting, which is to be expected. The good thing is, after my husband cooked dinner last night, the AirGenius was able to eliminate the strong cooking odours on the entire first level in mere minutes. Very impressive! 

My daughter wanted to try it in her bedroom but I felt it was a little too big for such a small room and therefore unnecessary. I could leave it in the hallway and know it will be just as effective, especially with the oscillating feature. We all loved the lamp feature, too. 

The Honeywell AirGenius Air Cleaner includes an ifD® filter which is permanent and very easy to clean. You only need to wash the filter four times a year and there is no need to replace it. It also comes with a VOC absorbing pre-filter, which can be used in conjunction with the permanent filter, that also captures larger particles, but will need to be replaced every three months. This model is Energy Star rated and uses about the same amount of electricity as a light bulb, a definite bonus!

You can purchase a Honeywell AirGenius Air Cleaner at places like Home Depot where it retails for $229 or you can win one here on Toronto Teacher Mom. Please submit your entries via the Rafflecopter form below. Open to Canada only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received product to help facilitate this review. Any opinions expressed in this post are my own.

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  1. I like the 5 air cleaning levels, each levels make so much sense, I wonder why no one else thought of it before!

    Melinda L.

  2. I like the ifD® filter which is permanent and very easy to clean.

  3. I love that it captures 99.9% of the particles in the air!! I have COPD, this would truly be a gem to win! Thanks for the opportunity.

  4. I love the different settings such as GERM (for cold & flu season)!

  5. I love that it is EnerStar rated.

  6. I love that it is EnerStar rated.

  7. I like that it is EnerStar rated and that it has a permanent filter. With allergies we could really could use one of these in this house. (Judy Cowan)

  8. I really like the lamp feature! Hubby trips over his own feet in the night :) (Sabrina Tong)

  9. I love that it has a germ setting - we just got over the flu!

  10. I love that You only need to wash the filter four times a year and you don't have to replace it, That is great !

  11. I love that it cleans the air...

  12. Ener star rated, germ levels and the lamp feature.
    (Lori Jackson)

  13. the germ feature is awesome. I have a newborn and tryin gto keep everything super clean.. can't clean the air though..unless I have THIS :)

  14. I love that it is EnerStar rated.

  15. Having different settings is something I really like...I suffer from allergies and respiratory issues so that is an awesome feature.
    via Rhonda W G.

  16. The germ setting is a necessity for my house!

  17. All the different settings!!!

  18. I love that it is designed for large rooms up to 250 sq. ft.

    Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

  19. I love that there is 5 feature settings including GERM

  20. love the permanent filter feature. thanks

  21. I love that the filter only needs to be cleaned 4 times per year and that it never needs to be replaced.

  22. EnerStar rated is a big selling point

  23. I like the permanent ifD filter which is very easy to clean and only 4 times a year.

  24. I love how you only have to wash the filter 4 times a year!

  25. You don't have to replace the filter, it just has to be cleaned, and only 4x a year isn't too bad

  26. i love that there are no expensive filters to replace - just wash it out a few times a year. Amazing

  27. I really like the idea of the easy to clean permanent filter.

  28. I love the smart controls allowing you to set it to which cleaning level you want.

  29. I like that it has a sleep mode. I have a older one that is so noisy

  30. I like the different settings especially the GERM (for cold & flu season)
    (Debbie W)

  31. I love that it is silent and doubles as a lamp. Awesome for nighttime. I think it would be beneficial during the winter season for getting at those winter time flu germs


  32. I like that you only need to wash the filter 4 times a year and It is a permanent filter

  33. The Germ and Allergen feature as I catch EVERYTHING under the sun, this would be a huge gift for me!

  34. I love the whole unit. My son has asthma so I think this would be great. I think this is the same model I've seen in one of our classrooms at school where we have someone with a lot of allergies. I guess my favourite feature would be the Allergen setting

  35. I like the different settings that you can use and also the Easy to clean, permanent washable primary filter.


    silverneon2000 at yahoo dot com

  36. I like that it has 5 different air cleaning settings

  37. I like that it has an easy to clean, permanent washable primary filter.


  38. I like that you can clean the filter!

  39. I love the germ and sleep mode that would be wonderful for this time of year!

  40. the GERM setting is the best... and the sleep mode is awesome!!

  41. what is there not to love about this one....love the 5 cleaning levels, the lights on it so no tripping in the night, the germ setting...love love love this unit...would so love it for my husband who so needs one. thanks for the chance.

  42. I love the fact there is 5 different cleansing levels also the amount of area it will do

  43. I like that it captures 99.9% of the particles in the air, oh that what be so beneficial to my family..feeling better already!

  44. The fact that it removes 99.9% of the particles is fantastic. I have two cats and we live out in the rurals. My house is so dusty, this would be fantastic in my home.

  45. Mrs Chantel McCutcheonOctober 31, 2013 at 4:15 PM

    I love that the filters are washable, less waste.

  46. It actually cleans the air. I really love it! I also love that it has sleep mode.

  47. I love that it only needs cleaning 4 times per year!

  48. I like the oscillating feature

  49. I need one of these! I'm allergic to everything and no matter how much I dust, my house is covered in the stuff. I love that sleep mode and germ mode. I'm looking forward to finally being able to breathe the clean air.

  50. I really like the fact that it is "Energy Star rated". Using same amount of electricity as a light bulb is great!

  51. I love that it has a permanent filter!

  52. the permanent filter is a cool idea, also the germ setting with the flu going around

  53. Every feature is great i am a severe asthmatic whith bad environmental allergies but i think the permanent filter is a big plus because i have had air cleaners and they stop making replacement filters for them so they are seless after a short period of time

  54. Love the Germ setting! Fantastic!!

  55. I really do need that and I actually think we could all benefit from it. Thanks for sharing!

  56. I love that it has a ifD® filter which is permanent and easy to clean , this way no replacement every month!

  57. I love that you don't have to clean the filter all the time (four times a year)

  58. My favourite feature is the permanent filter

  59. My favorite feature is that it includes a filter that is permanent and very easy to clean. I love the fact that you only need to wash the filter four times a year and there is no need to replace it.

  60. that the filter is permanent and only needs to be cleaned

  61. I love that it is EnerStar rated!

  62. The GERM (for cold & flu season) is perfect for now!

  63. the size is what attracts me as I don't have a huge huge house

  64. Having used several different air purifiers which have ultimately disappointed me, I think the fact that this one has a filter that only has to be cleaned 4 times a year might be the best feature. I have had two that seemed to malfunction only AFTER having to clean the filters.

  65. I'm loving the permanent filter that you just have to wash!

  66. I love that it has a germ setting.

  67. I like the permanent filter and the fact you only need to clean it 4 times a year

  68. too many cool features to be able to just choose one :)

  69. I like that you can clean the filter and not hunt around in stores trying to find a replacement Chandra Christine O'Connor

  70. Love the germ feature!

  71. I like that it is EnerStar rated!

  72. I like these settings the most: SLEEP (almost silent operation), GERM (for cold & flu season), ALLERGEN (for peak allergen season). Quiet operation while sleeping is always preferable, and allergen/germ settings are necessary with pets in house. I have family members with allergies.

  73. Odors...when you mentioned that it caught my eye. My wife and her side of the family are Filipino and I don't know if you know Filipino's but they love fish. Fresh fish, Sardine fish, frozen fish, fish stew, fried fish, boiled fish, baked fish...reminds me of Forrest Gump and the Shrimp. Anyhow...the friend fish dammit it smells like dirty socks. This would be great.

  74. The 5 air cleaning levels, and the lamp feature sound awesome.

  75. My favorite feature is the fact that its Energy Star rated and uses about the same amount of electricity as a light bulb ... cant beat that for efficiency

  76. I love the different settings... but especially the ALLERGEN as both my daughter and I suffer from allergies.

  77. "ifD® filter which is permanent and very easy to clean. You only need to wash the filter four times a year" - this is a great feature!! Not many cleanups!

  78. my fave feature is the permanent fliter, no stress in trying to track down filters.

  79. My fav feature is the fact it has 5 settings!

  80. I love that it has a permanent filter that you can just clean at home and reuse! That is by far the best feature ever!

  81. I love that you can wash the filter!

  82. I love that it has a permanent filter.

  83. love the smart controls and 5 settings!

  84. I like that you only need to wash the filter four times a year!

  85. I like that the control buttons are backlit so I can operate the thing in low light/in the dark.

  86. I like the permanent filters, easy to clean!

  87. Oh fun, I want to win. I love these air filters so sleek and silent!

  88. I most like that it has five air cleaning levels.

  89. I like this feature: QuietClean® ifD® advanced filtration technology, this air cleaner captures 99.9% of particles.

  90. I like that the filter can be washed & doesn't need to be replaced.

  91. oops - forgot to mention that my rafflecopter name is Julie G.

  92. I love that it includes an ifD® filter which is permanent and very easy to clean. You only need to wash the filter four times a year and there is no need to replace it. That is perfect and money saving too!

  93. Very excited about this giveaway! Once you have any pets in the house, it's essential to have one. Especially if you have allergies!

  94. i love the multiple settings and the sleek design

  95. That it gets rid of odors & 99% of particles

  96. I love that it uses about the same amount of electricity as a light bulb.

  97. I like the permanent filter that only needs to be washed out 4 times a year. This would save a lot of money compared to the ones where you have to keep buying new filters.

  98. Love this and would be an amazing win .better air for my young one.

  99. I love it's energy star rating so it not only helps my lungs but also helps not wasting.

  100. I am all about saving energy these days so the fact that it is ENERGY STAR Qualified is amazing!

  101. I like the ALLERGEN Feature as I suffer from seasonal allergies

  102. That you don't have to buy filters...its reusable and only needs to be cleaned 4 x's a year... ~ xoxo

  103. I really love how it looks, and I like the germ filter - perfect for getting rid of colds easier

  104. I like that the filter is permanent.

  105. I like that you can clean the filter and not have to replace it.

  106. I love that it has five settings- especially MAX Cleaning Power *cue Tim The Tool Man Taylor grunt*

  107. I love that you only need to wash the filter 4x a year (kristy short)

  108. I love that the filter is permanent- nothing more to buy! tuesdayef at (aol do)tcom

  109. the permanent and easy to clean filter!

  110. I like the Max Cleaning and it has a sleep mode and reduces germs and allergens.

  111. I love that the filter is cleanable and you don't have to buy new ones!

  112. Love that the filter only needs to be washed and not replaced.

  113. This would really help with my allergies1

  114. Honestly, besides the fact that it captures 99.9% of particles, I REALLY like the touch-sensitive technology. So high tech! Love it

  115. I love that it captures 99.9% of the particles in the air!!

  116. The Germ and Allergen feature is my favourite.

  117. My favourite feature is that it cleans the air :) With two dogs, a cat, carpet and a family full of allergies, we NEED one of these!

    Besos, Sarah
    Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

  118. I like the idea of never having to replace the filter, sounds ingenious!

  119. I like that you get to choose what kind of cleaning setting to put it on. Many of them only have 1 setting.
    angela mitchell

  120. the germ killing is definitely great
    good luck to all
    aka midgeknows

  121. I like that it has a 'Sleep' setting, as I am very light sleeper!

  122. You had me at "You only need to wash the filter four times a year and there is no need to replace it" Tasks like that are what always fall to the bottom of my to do list - the less upkeep the better!

  123. I love the smart controls feature so that I can pick which setting would best suit my needs

  124. I like that it has 5 different settings... with all the different seasons we face, the area is always different, and you can adjust to what is really need at different times.... Right now I would the the GERM cycle, as we are a house full of sickies!

  125. Love the permanent easy clean filter and the frugal use of energy!
    Diana Corlett

    dianacorlett AT gmail.com

  126. The Germ feature! We have four children and have been going through our annual Winter Illness Marathon and have had one type of illness for over two months! Save me!

  127. I love the fact that it's Star rated

  128. I like the different settings, specifically that you can have it filter what you need it to do based on the season. I suffer from allergies, so being able to filter out allergens and then also filter out germs in flue season? That's just awesome.

  129. Elizabeth Friesen (@emfriesen)November 19, 2013 at 3:24 PM

    I love the washable filter!!! No need to purchase replacements!!! :D

  130. never having to replace the filter,

  131. I like that it has five air cleaning levels

  132. I like it eliminates the strong cooking odours.

  133. I really like that the filter can be washed and re-used- less waste and more money in my pocket!

    Milena M.

  134. Love that the buttons light up at night.

  135. It also comes with a VOC absorbing pre-filter, which can be used in conjunction with the permanent filter, that also captures larger particles, but will need to be replaced every three months!!!!!!!

  136. I like that the filter is easy to clean.

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. My favourite feature is the easy to clean filter- that's amazing.

  139. I love the washable filter. Easy, and quick.
    -Joan Veeder jmveeder@hotmail.com

  140. I like that you can wash the filters.
    Florence C

  141. I like that Energy Star rated, as that is my first concern with heaters, dehumidifiers, purifiers etc. I also love the germ and allergen settings!

  142. Love that it has the VOC filter, that it oscillates and the germ setting

  143. My favorite feature is that you never have to replace the filter and only have to wash it four times a year.How awesome is that!!

  144. I like that you can wash and reuse the filter.

  145. The modes are a fantastic idea. My son has allergies August-Oct and then again April/May.

  146. i love that you only have to wash the filter a handful of times a year

  147. An air purifier would really help with my breathing issues

  148. Wow, sounds like a great product and worth visiting a retailer to learn more.

  149. The room size it can clean - 250 sq feet? Great because our place is fairly open-concept. And that it uses a washable filter. I like that I won't have to buy anything and store it somewhere.

    1. This was me, forgot to sign in.

  150. My favourite feature is that the filter only needs a wash 4x a year!

  151. I like that the filter is permanent and easy to clean.
    tis-so at hotmail dot com

  152. This would be the ultimate appliance to help with my sons breathing of fresh and clean air in the house at all times. Phil

  153. I like the easy to clean permanent filter.

  154. I like the fact that this cleans odors from the air.

    Carol Oddy (jezzy005@gmail.com)

  155. I love the germ setting on this one! My little guy gets chest coughs because of the air in our house. This could really help him!

  156. I love the modern design ... looks great !!!


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