New Turbo FAST Episodes on Netflix! | Toronto Teacher Mom

New Turbo FAST Episodes on Netflix!

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Whoah! Those snails are FAST!

F. A. S. T.

That's the team you'll never beat...

Oh... hi there! Don't mind me. I was just, well... you know... dancing to the Turbo FAST theme song. That is one killer beat, brah. I can't help myself. And you know what else? I can't help but talk like  Brahdi the Roach who appears in one of the newest Turbo FAST episodes launching tomorrow. Seriously, I've gone all cray-cray.

L-R) Skidmark, Whiplash, Turbo, White Shadow and Burn in "Turbo FAST." Photo courtesy of DreamWorks/Netflix.
Out of these new episodes that my son and I previewed earlier this week, the last one is definitely my favourite. Aptly entitled "Surf n' Turf," this episode takes place on the beach, which every snail knows is for maxin' your relaxin' and calming your inner snail. But alas, the beach is roach turf and the snails' very presence is killing the roach gang's taquito buzz. If Turbo and the snails want to stay, they must first battle the roaches in a grimy battle of sewer surfing while trying to coax Whiplash out of his full zen state. Totally gnarly! Of course, my son loved all of the episodes and would have watched them on repeat if I had let him. He's all into things that go fast.

To catch the newest Turbo FAST episodes, be sure to tune into Netflix on April 4 at noon.

Looking for more ideas on what to watch with the family? Check out these suggestions for your very own Family Film Fest.

Disclosure: I am a member of the Netflix Canada #StreamTeam and receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. Any opinions expressed in this post are my own.

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  1. Haha you had me laughing out loud in this post! You've really gotten into this show!


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