Crafting with my Martha Stewart Punch | Toronto Teacher Mom

Crafting with my Martha Stewart Punch

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

While I haven't crafted in a while, I did manage to put a couple of birthday cards together at the request of a colleague at work before the school year was over. For this one, I used my cherished Martha Stewart butterfly punch that I found at Walmart last year. It's a simple design but she loved it. You can find more details over on my craft blog: Diana's Designs.

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  1. How fun! I love the 3D popping out of a flat space.

  2. Very pretty. The butterfly is so detailed!

  3. Really lovely birthday card that you made. Love the 3D effect.

  4. Its really pretty, the design is simple but elegant.

  5. So pretty! Love the thoughtfulness of a homemade card!

  6. oh that's so cute!!

  7. Love the design! :) Are you taking a break from crafting for the summer?

  8. Very simple yet elegant. I truly love this!! I've got to make 'something' for our windows.. we are moving and I have birds, I may have to try something crafty like this to put on my windows so the crazy feathered babies don't fly into them.

  9. Really lovely card! I love the Butterfly!

    RAFFLECOPTER NAME is Anne Taylor

  10. Very cute! I wish I had more of an imagination for crafts. Pinterest is my best friend.

  11. Looks so pretty - well done! :)
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  12. your cards are so pretty. Chandra Christine O'Connor.

  13. I love that card!! The butterfly on it is beautiful! (Judy Cowan)

  14. I love, love your cards that you design, this one is super nice, I love the 3D effect and the flower is so pretty

  15. do you do it for enjoyment and/or gift/sell? Chandra Christine O'Connor

  16. That card is gorgeous! Your students must be so lucky to have you as a teacher, with all your craftiness!

  17. Hi, and thank you for sharing at Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) at In Him We Live and Move and Have Our Being. I wanted to let you know that I’m transitioning to a new site – http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com – which will have a photography focus. Currently there are two pages. One is where I will host Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) each week at midnight on Tuesday, Eastern Standard Time. The second is a place for you to link up your main blog url if you host a weekly Wordless linkup. Eventually I hope to include some photography how-to’s and resources. If you have any suggestions of content you’d be interested in, please email me at image.in.ing at gmail dot com.

    Thanks, and I hope to see you there!



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