On Turning Ten | Toronto Teacher Mom

On Turning Ten

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Last month, my goddaughter turned ten years old. Yes, she's a whole decade old. And do you want to know why that's a pretty big deal in my books? It's not just because she was born exactly a week before I got married. It's because, of all the birthdays I remember as a kid, turning ten stood out the most to me. It just so happened to be my champagne birthday and consequently, since that day, the number 10 has become my 'lucky' number. But it isn't just that. Turning ten felt like a turning point in my life. The point when I would no longer feel like a little girl. Double-digits meant I was this much closer to being a teenager.

When my goddaughter celebrated her tenth birthday, it got me thinking. My daughter will be ten next year but you would think she was ten already. Clichéd thoughts popped into my head: She's so grown up! How time flies! Anyway, I decided to make the pink card above for my goddaughter. I think, subconsciously, I chose cute pink and polka dots as a way to grasp the little girl I've always seen her as. Change is often hard to accept but that difficulty is easily forgotten when I think of how proud I am to see her grow into the young lady she is becoming. Just like my own daughter, who is getting so big, she's almost as tall as my mother. And even though the colour pink is such a stereotypical colour for girls, I don't care. I actually embrace it. Because for me, even though I was in such a hurry to grow up as a child, I'm in no hurry to see my baby girl transform into a young lady.

For details on the materials I used to make this card, head on over to my craft blog dianasdesigns.ca:

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  1. It's amazing the things that we thought were big deals when we were kids... if only we could have held on to that enthusiasm :)

    1. That's why I feel blessed to have two amazing kids of my own because now I can live vicariously through them, experience that enthusiasm once again, only through their eyes.

  2. really nice card, and yes time flies I remember my girls at ten now they are 24 and 21 sigh. Chandra Christine O'Connor

    1. Thanks Christine! And seriously, can't they just stay ten forever?

  3. Thats a awesome card! Looks like you bought it!

  4. Yes 10 is sure a big year. :) Very nice card.

  5. the card was sweet mine just turned 14 time goes so quick

  6. Time sure flies. I love the pretty card.

  7. My guy will turn ten this fall, it is very scary, for me.

  8. Gorgeous card! Thanks for the link to your other blog -- I had no idea you also owned another one!

  9. I like your card. My wife also makes cards. I find that people value handmade cards.

    Stephen S

  10. We are in such a hurry to grow up and then when we get there we wonder where the time has gone

  11. Very cute card, you did a wonderful job on it. So talented.

  12. Kids grow fast, yesterday baby is a teen today, just a blink.

  13. time sure flies. love homemade cards, they are amazing


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