Throwback Thursday - Three Years Ago... | Toronto Teacher Mom

Throwback Thursday - Three Years Ago...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Three years ago, my son was merely three years old. He was still just a baby in my eyes, talking in his baby voice and smiling his baby-licious smile. It was three years ago that we first took his new Harley Davidson three-wheeler for a ride to the park on a bright, sunshiney day. When we arrived at home, my son turned on the TV and snuggled into our new bean bag chair while watching Dora the Explorer.

Once the show was over, that's when the trouble started.

You see that irresistible smile? Yes, it actually spelled trouble. I tried my best to win but clearly his cuteness defeated my competitive urge. As the winner, he celebrated with a chocolatey treat. And of course, I had to join in. It was all part and parcel with celebrating the re-launch of Kinder Surprise as well. Mmm, chocolate!

It was still a week away from our planned trip to Fan Expo and my son was still too young to help me build a KRE-O Sentinel Prime Transformer. So he chose to perform an operation instead...

You'd think he'd want to be a doctor when he grows up, perhaps. Nope. During his kindergarten graduation last June, he stood up on stage, approached the microphone and announced to all:

"Hi! I'm Paolo. In kindergarten, I learned about patterns. When I grow up, I want to be a race car driver."

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  1. It's amazing how quickly time goes by, and how much kids change

  2. How cute! Too bad we can't freeze time for just a little while longer when they are little. (Judy Cowan)

    1. Oh, to be able to turn back the hands of time...!

  3. What a sweetie they should be little awhile longer

  4. He is adorable. Time goes by so quickly when you have kids. I don't think the reality has hit me yet, that my "baby" is having a baby.

    1. RAFFLECOPTER NAME is Anne Taylor

    2. You're youngest is expecting? How exciting! Congratulations!

  5. He is so cute! I love that "speech" he gave!

  6. I don't know what seems to happen faster, the growing up, or the maturing/independence the find as they get a little older.. both are a mommy's heartbreak lol

  7. A Race Car Driver is an AWESOME choice! Good for him. :)

  8. Really cute! lovely! they grow up so fast!

  9. Don't see my comment so my apologies if this posts twice.
    They grow up too fast! My kids are 5 and 6 and my baby starts school this year...I will be babysitting two little ones to help fill the void!

  10. Too cute , kids grow up way to fast , wish i could freeze time sometimes :) rafflecopter name Treen Goodwin :)

  11. A week of reflection - son entered Grade 6 on Tuesday. Wednesday I flipped through photographs of Evan and his friends and amazed at speed of transformation. Must say for the first time I started feeling old - but have to keep up so to the treadmill I go. lol.

    Eva Mitton-Urban

  12. great memory, does he still want to be a race car driver? Chandra Christine O'Connor

  13. It is great that you documented what happened that day and have the great memories

    Stephen S

  14. Haha I love hearing what kids want to be when they grow up. Has it changed? My yearbooks indicate that in SK, I wanted to be "a mom," and in grade 1, I wanted to be a lawyer.

  15. Those wonder struck years, every year we wanted to be something else

  16. Great memories! Its amazing what sticks in a kids memory!

  17. Hold those memories tight, because new ones are made very quickly

  18. I think I am one of the few that stuck to my goals. I wanted to be a nurse my entire life and that is my career. Now mom wanted me to marry a doctor, but that didn't happen...lol
    (Debbie W)

  19. I have never seen a trouble game like that. so cool

  20. Time goes fast, kids grow, great you catch all precious moments.

  21. Don't blink, before you know it, they're graduating high school. Feels like it was just yesterday that my boy graduated kindergarten...
    I remember getting down on my knee to get my hugs, now I have to look up at him and say "Hey! Where's my hug???"

  22. That's a classic game! Used to be so fun.

  23. Such a great game! Looks like he's having fun!

  24. There is nothing like Family Game Night

  25. Time sure does fly. I always look back at old pics with mixed emotions


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