What Does the Squirrel Say? | Toronto Teacher Mom

What Does the Squirrel Say?

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

squirrel on my fence

I know we've pondered about what the fox says but has anyone ever asked themselves, "What does the squirrel say?"

What does the squirrel say?

*** Pssst! I have a giveaway going on for my readers in the US and it has really low entries. It's a Barker Creek Back to School prize pack containing some cool educational resources! ***

Now on to this week's Wordless Wednesday linky:

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  1. We have a crazy squirrel living in one of our trees....and he always seems to have a lot to "say"...and I'm sure that he's giving me a piece of his mind some days! :)

    1. LOL We also have a wild rabbit, a groundhog and raccoons. I CAN'T STAND raccoons!

  2. Ooh squirrel.. I see quite a few at the park.. I'm guessing it is saying..give me some nuts!!

    1. :) I would imagine so! Sometimes they scare me though, with their steadfast stare...

  3. like to go with family & kids and enjoy show!!!

  4. The squirrel said

    "Where's my nuts?"

  5. We used to feed the squirrels when we lived in San Antonio, they were all over in the trees. They would say, nuts please! Peanuts in the shell.

  6. 'What you lookin at?'

    I think Squirrels doesnt know how cute they are to us =) #ww

    1. They ARE cute! Until they run after you. Had that happen once...

  7. it would be funny to know especially when you walk near them. they get so noisy in the trees. I think they say back off this tree is mine. Chandra Christine O'Connor

  8. Crazy Squirrel are so nice and they can be so destructive. I talk from experience LOL...

    1. I'm not sure I want to know. They already freak me out a little.

  9. The squirrel says, "Look they are filling up that bird feeder again, silly humans! " lol

    1. LOL I don't have a feeder but thought about it. Now I will reconsider. ha!

  10. The squirrel is wondering where you hid the nuts so he can hide them for winter. :)

    thanks for sharing.

  11. He's saying, "What are you looking at?" Thanks for the linky!

  12. Adorable photos! I think squirrels make a clicking sound. Or he ways what everyone else above stated. Have a terrific day!

  13. we get lots of squirrels cleaning out the bird feeders, even though we put food out for them on a tree stump. they can be greedy. they are pretty noisy too, LOL.
    Faythe @ GrammyMouseTails

  14. haha not sure but it's such a cutie!

  15. I like squirrels and I have one that frequents my yard. My Mr. Sexy is not so fond of them. He got attacked back in Spring by one. It was funny. He did not want his picture taken.

  16. At my house they say, 'yeah! acorns!' We've got two big acorn trees in the front yard. ;)

  17. Great captures!

    I'm not a squirrel fan these days. Not after a pair decided to chew through my gutters and then move into my attic! They cost me several hundred dollars in repairs.....

    But even so, great pics!

  18. Yup, I am sooooo singing that now...thanks! lol


  19. I think it says: aw nuts! Ding ding ding duh ding. I haven't heard that song in a while actually. I am not a squirrel fan. I find them annoying.

  20. I've got some nutty squirrels living in my trees. They are fun to watch.

  21. Lovely shot, whoo I wonder what he is thinking :)

  22. 'Hope you got my better profile!' Awesome captures! :)

  23. Love these pictures. Squirrels are kinda cute. All I have is birds and a creepy amount of lizards outside this week.

  24. he's saying aww..nuts lol

    I like them until they get on my bird feeders

    thanks for stopping by mine :)

  25. So.... what DOES the squirrel say? :)) I really love squirrels and chipmunks - they have to be some of the cutest things out there

  26. We have a great many squirrels who think that it is their job in life to drive our dog crazy. The hop from tree to tree and along the telephone wires teasing the dog

  27. When my mom was still alive, she and my dad made friends of a local squirrel. He would come into the house and go to the room they had peanuts in and take them whenever he felt like it. He always left quickly and never ventured anywhere else in the house.

  28. We have a squirrel around and right now I am not too happy with it because it shoved a walnut up into our linkage for our gear shift in the car and jammed it - which resulting in the car having to be towed and the nut removed! (Judy Cowan)

  29. I love squirrels but hate it when they dug my plant bulb out!

  30. I love squirrels. My boys and I feed them nuts on our daily walks.

  31. Stop taking photos and hand over the acorns

  32. This is a really cute picture! Squirrels are adorable.


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