Fisher-Price Moms Top 10 - My Little Snugabunny Deluxe Bouncer #FPMomsTop10 | Toronto Teacher Mom

Fisher-Price Moms Top 10 - My Little Snugabunny Deluxe Bouncer #FPMomsTop10

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fisher-Price Moms Top 10 - My Little Snugabunny Deluxe Bouncer #FPMomsTop10

You wake up in the morning, it's a quarter to four and your baby starts to cry some more. 
You bang your head. 

You know that feeling? That "I am slowly going crazy" kind of feeling? Yeah, that's the one. With my first-born, I felt like I had lost my sanity on more than one occasion. We had just bought a house, moved out of our apartment and into my in-laws' home, and spent the next six months renovating our new place. It was a stressful time to say the least and it didn't help that my daughter didn't sleep well at night or have routine nap times that I could rely on. When my son was born, however, it was totally different. He would sleep for about ten hours straight each night as young as one-month old. Plus, he would nap frequently during the day. And whenever I placed him in his Fisher-Price swing, it was almost a guarantee that he would fall asleep within minutes. I couldn't blame him. The seat was so soft and cuddly, just like mommy's arms, that I could always rely on it for a Mommy Moment and take a breather. The seat design was very similar to the adorable Fisher-Price My Little Snugabunny™ Deluxe Bouncer, which you will currently find on MomsTop10.ca.
Fisher-Price Moms Top 10 #FPMomsTop10

A while back, I participated in a survey in which I shared my list of top Fisher-Price Toys and Baby Gear that helped special Mommy Moments happen in our home. I wasn't surprised to find that many of them made the final list of Mom's Top 10 - Baby's First Blocks, the Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Chair and the Rock-a-Stack, to name a few. These trusted toys have played a large part in adding a little bit of magic whenever I would play with my children and now my niece and nephew, too. It could have something to do with the nostalgia Fisher-Price toys can bring when you make time to play with the little ones. And once baby is ready for some down-time, it's nice to know that Fisher-Price has you covered with a variety of must-have baby gear, such as their Snugabunny Bouncer. 

Fisher-Price Moms Top 10 - My Little Snugabunny Deluxe Bouncer #FPMomsTop10

The Fisher-Price My Little Snugabunny™ Deluxe Bouncer is covered in an incredibly soft fabric and is designed to contour baby and support the head, neck and sides. It includes a three-point restraint and non-skid feet so you can rest assured your baby will be safe and sound while you invoke your inner yogi and meditate over a much-needed cup of coffee. And while you catch up on the latest gossip on Twitter, sweet little birdies will float overhead to engage and delight your wee one.

Fisher-Price Moms Top 10 - My Little Snugabunny Deluxe Bouncer #FPMomsTop10

If baby needs a little extra comfort, the Snugabunny Bouncer plays eight soothing songs and nature sounds, and also provides calming vibrations all at the touch of a button. The new easy-touch control panel gives parents with direct access to selection and volume control as well. Now, I know what you're thinking. What if baby experiences a nasty diaper blowout while lounging in the bouncer? Luckily, the seat and inserts are easily removable and machine washable. Is it really any wonder it made its way onto the Mom's Top 10 list? Also featured on www.momstop10.ca are a selection of special #fpmommymomments shared on Twitter and Instagram. Your Mommy Moments could be featured there, too, just by sharing them on Twitter and Instagram using the #fpmommymoments hashtag!

Fisher-Price Moms Top 10 - My Little Snugabunny Deluxe Bouncer #FPMomsTop10

For those of you who have a newborn or a baby on the way, you can purchase the Fisher-Price My Little Snugabunny™ Deluxe Bouncer from retail stores such as Walmart.ca. It can be used from birth until baby is able to sit up unassisted, up to a maximum weight of 25 pounds. The suggested retail price is currently listed at $89.99 and one lucky Toronto Teacher Mom reader will win their very own. It's all in celebration of Mom's Top 10 list of Fisher-Price toys and baby gear inspired by real Mommy Moments! To be eligible to win, please complete the Rafflecopter form below. Open to Canada, except where prohibited.

Disclosure: In exchange for this review, I have received special perks in the form of products and/or compensation. All opinions on this blog are my own.

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  1. Wow! Would LOVE this for my niece! :)

  2. My 5 month old son needs a bouncer - the My Little Snugabunny™ Deluxe Bouncer is my fave!

  3. could really use that bouncer! my cousin is having a baby

  4. I love the My Little Snugabunny Bouncer - my baby is on the way any day now and could really use one!

  5. The Jumparoo looks really fun. :D

  6. I LOVE the Kick & Play Piano Gym!! my daughter would have so much fun with that

  7. Baby’s First Blocks™ - I have bought this several times as a gift. Babies all seem to like it! (Judy Cowan)

  8. My kids loved their jumperoo as kids so I'd like to get that for my new niece.

    Besos, Sarah
    Journeys of The Zoo

  9. besides the snugabunny bouncer i have to say the bouncearoo

  10. I like the Baby’s First Blocks™!


    RAFFLECOPTER MOM is Anne Taylor

  11. my little son would love it! And so would I!

  12. I like the blocks and corn popper


  13. Also like the Musical Walker Lion, so cute!!

  14. these bouncy chairs are a sanity-saver...our guy would fall asleep in them

  15. I love the bouncy chairs. A necessity with my sets of twins!

  16. Woodland Friends SpaceSaver Jumperoo

  17. I would add the Fisher Price train. My son had one and loved it.
    Florence C

  18. I really like the Ocean Wonders Aquarium. I don't have one, but they look so nice.

  19. I'd say the Laugh & Learn Smart Stages Chair

  20. The Rock-a-Stack has always been a staple.

  21. next to this pirze I would like Woodland Friends SpaceSaver Jumperoo

  22. Would love to win this for a dear friend who is having a tough time of it and due next month!

  23. I love the corn popper, i used to have one as a kid!

  24. i like the laugh and learn smart stages chair

  25. I really love the Laugh & Learn Smart StagesChair

  26. The Woodland Friends SpaceSaver Jumperoo... hours of laughs and giggles

  27. Corn Popper™ because I think you should give a noisy toy to your sister at least once in her babies lifetime (and I remember with my middle sister, all of us looking for hours to find the noisiest toy for her boy!! )

  28. 2 Grandchildren on the way. Would be just perfect!

  29. the Musical Walker Lion is so cute

  30. The Jumparoo I would love to get for my Grandson :D Thanks for the chance!

  31. My girl loves her Smart Stages chair from Fisher Price!

  32. The Corn Popper is my favourite - it's such a classic! My kids actually play with mine from the 70s - my mom kept it and we've been using it again ever since my oldest was a toddler.

  33. I think the babies first blocks are fab.

  34. Kick & Play Piano Gym
    (Debbie W)

  35. Ahh this is the best! Thanks for sharing!!

  36. I like the corn popper - a classic :)

  37. I like the Woodland Friends SpaceSaver Jumperoo

  38. i like the smartages chair

  39. i like the Laugh & Learn® Smart Stages™ Chair. purchased this for my niece and she loves it

  40. I really like the Ocean Wonders Aquarium

  41. I like the Ocean Wonders Aquarium

  42. I love the Smart Stages Chair...I think my lil guy would love it!

  43. I really like the jumperoo. I like how it folds up and stores easily.

  44. The jumparoo! It was a MUST when my LO was a babe

  45. I LOVE the Ocean Wonders Aquarium. My son falls right to sleep watching it!


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