Flipp 2.0 - A Walmart Shopper's Best Friend | Toronto Teacher Mom

Flipp 2.0 - A Walmart Shopper's Best Friend

Friday, March 13, 2015

Buffet brunch menu idea #FlippList

Now that my husband is working on a new job site, his schedule requires him to work late hours and sometimes during the weekend. This means that the majority of meal prep has now fallen on my shoulders. Gulp! Not only do I have to make sure I prepare meals that are edible, I now need to take on most of the grocery shopping, something I was happy to let my husband worry about. Since I have a terrible habit of trying to memorize my shopping list, it is almost inevitable that I will forget something. Write down my shopping list on a piece of paper, you say? Sure. I could do that. But that would require effort. And then I'd have to fish out that slip of paper from the depths of my purse once I got to the store. No. I needed something that I wouldn't lose. Something that I would always have at my fingertips. Introducing Flipp 2.0 - A Walmart shopper's best friend.

Buffet brunch menu idea #FlippList

As my mission, I was tasked with shopping for groceries that I would require for a family brunch. Knowing that I would need a fool-proof menu, I opted for a fruit kebob / blueberry waffle / granola yogurt mini buffet. Then it was time to record my shopping list using the newest feature of the Flipp app. The Shopping List feature allows you to plan ahead and keep track of your shopping needs while using newly enhanced search functionality to find the best deals and even price match with ease. 

Flipp 2.0 - A Walmart Shopper's Best Friend #FlippListFlipp 2.0 - A Walmart Shopper's Best Friend #FlippList

With my #FlippList ready to go, I headed out to my local Walmart to purchase some fresh produce as well as some granola, yogurt and gluten free frozen waffles that I like to have on hand in case I'm running late and don't have time make a fresh batch. I also found some organic frozen berries which will make for a yummy breakfast smoothie. Included in my purchase was a tub of Cascade dishwasher detergent I noticed was advertised as on a rollback on the Walmart e-flyer. Since I knew that it would help support the Clean Water initiative, I was happy to buy it. Plus, who wants to wash dishes by hand after slaving over brunch prep, right?

Flipp 2.0 - A Walmart Shopper's Best Friend #FlippListFlipp 2.0 - A Walmart Shopper's Best Friend #FlippList

In all the excitement of having crossed everything off my #FlippList, I forgot to take advantage of a price match opportunity while at the cash register. Luckily, the customer behind me told me I could easily rectify that at the Customer Service desk, which coincidentally had not one person in line. In a matter of minutes, I was able to get a refund for an item by showing a current advertised price for an identical item via the Flipp app. 
Flipp 2.0 - A Walmart Shopper's Best Friend #FlippList

What I really love about the updated Flipp app is how easily it keeps track of my shopping list while cross-referencing items with current flyers and any clippings I have taken. Starting a new list is rather easy too since you can delete everything on your current list or check off items you don't necessarily buy on a regular basis such as, oh, I don't know... this stylish Home Trends black and white Damask table cloth

Buffet brunch menu idea #FlippList

So there you have it. Toasted blueberry waffles, fresh fruit kebobs and one of my favourite granola mixes paired with vanilla yogurt. Shopping for this simple yet scrumptious brunch buffet couldn't be more enjoyable knowing that I saved time, money and potential tears in the kitchen. Please. Hold the applause. 

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Walmart Canada, as part of the #WalmartMomCA program. In exchange for this review, I have received special perks in the form of products and/or compensation. All opinions on this blog are my own.

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  1. I love using my Flipp, the only problem I have is that they do not show my two grocery stores, so I still have to take in the flyers with me, which is a big pain in the butt!!

    1. I can't stand paper flyers. I don't even read them anymore.

    2. there is still a few flyers I need because they don't have the store on Flipp and the one store that Flipp does not have is right in my town

  2. I was just tell my sister about Flipp. She's pretty excited about it :)

    1. There are so many apps out there nowadays, it's hard to find one you really get excited over.

  3. I'm definitely downloading and using Flipp! This sounds so neat!

  4. Oh wow this looks like it would help me a bunch! I am definitely downloading this!

  5. Those waffles look divine! I love using Flipp when I'm grocery shopping. :)

  6. I have just started using this app. I should have done this ages ago.

  7. I love this app. I use it every week to help plan my meals and shopping trip! (Judy Cowan)

  8. I just started using this app! I'm loving the features and thank you for this post I had no realized!

  9. Awesome - Just one of the many reason to have a phone. I didn't know about this site, but sounds like a must have =) Thank you for sharing =)

  10. This is such a useful app!!! Love Flipp!!!!

  11. I love the Flipp App and this is another great feature to make shopping easier and save some money!

  12. Truly my shopping BFF, Diana! I have always loved the Flipp App but ever more now with the new shopping list.
    Love the damask table linen - Walmart is coming out with more and more lovely decor pieces and at such great prices! I see our families are fans of fruits and waffles! :) Always a hit in my home.

  13. We love using the Flipp app! It makes the experience of grocery shopping so much enjoyable and stress free!

    RAFFLECOPTER NAME is Anne Taylor

  14. I so need to start using this. It looks so helpful.

  15. what I love about it I always have my phone so my list never gets forgotten on the kitchen table.

  16. I used Flipp all the time. VERY handy app.

  17. Flipp is my new app BFF :) So awesome and handy to have on hand


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