Celebrate the Earth With EnviroKidz | Toronto Teacher Mom

Celebrate the Earth With EnviroKidz

Monday, April 06, 2015

What better way to ring in the spring season than with a party to celebrate the earth! With Earth Day coming up on April 22, EnviroKidz invites you to throw a Celebrate-the-Earth party to make learning about animals and the planet fun and delicious for kids. Why not try making some tasty Chocolate Garden Cups featured above? Or try these easy no-bake Koala Crisp™ Mini Cupcakes using the recipe below.

Koala Crisp™ Mini Cupcakes  

Prep Time: 20 minutes 
Cook Time: 5 minutes 
Yield: 18 mini cupcakes   


  • 2 tbsp butter 
  • 2 tbsp honey 
  • 2 tbsp brown rice syrup   
  • 1 tsp vanilla  
  • 2 cups EnviroKidz Koala Crispcereal 


  • 3 oz cream cheese, softened  
  • 1 tbsp butter, softened 
  • 3/4 cup icing sugar  
  • 4 tsp cocoa powder  
  • 4 strawberries, sliced   


Grease a mini-muffin pan and set aside. In saucepan set over medium heat, bring butter, honey and brown rice syrup to boil. Boil for about 1 minute or until mixture is well combined and slightly thickened. Remove from heat. Stir in vanilla and cereal. Divide evenly and press into 18 mini-muffin cups. Cool completely. Remove from pan.  

Icing: Meanwhile, in a bowl, beat cream cheese and butter together until well combined. Gradually beat in icing sugar and cocoa until smooth. Transfer icing to a piping bag fitted with a star tip. Pipe a swirl of icing onto each cupcake. Garnish with a strawberry slice.

Calories per serving: 91 
Fat 4g 
Cholesterol 10mg 
Sodium 46mg 
Carbohydrates 14.5g 
Fibre 0.5g 
Sugar 10g 

In celebration of the planet, Envirokidz is offering an @EnviroKidz Celebrate-the-Earth Party Kit, valued at $100, to one lucky reader.

The kit includes:
  • 10 free product vouchers, valued at $50
  • EnviroKidz products needed for the recipes above and EnviroKidz snack bars
  • Download-and-print party invites
  • Party Banner
  • Party swag including animal stickers from our 1% for the Planet nonprofit partners such as The Australian Koala Foundation and Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund
  • Activity books full of fun, educational games and quizzes featuring your favourite EnviroKidz Animals.
Contest is open to Canadian and US residents only, except where prohibited.

Disclosure: I received product to help facilitate this review. Any opinions expressed in this post are my own. Recipes courtesy of Nature's Path EnviroKidz.

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  1. we are planting a garden this year, and we recycle whenever we can

  2. We celebrate the earth everyday. I teach my toddler to respect where we will. We recycle everything, have no more than 1 garbage back a home. If it can be repurposed or reused then we do that. Donate or give away things for free if someone else can use. I teach him that all plants and animals deserve respect

    1. Oops should read no more than 1 garbage bag a month lol

  3. We have been recycling as much as we can and will continue to do so.

  4. We are excited about celebrating Earth Day this year and focusing on what we can do to take care of our planet and our animals.

  5. We celebrate the earth by reducing our packaging consumption, not buying plastic, and by teaching our children to be kind and gentle with nature.

  6. I plan to celebrate the Earth by cleaning up the shoreline.

  7. We celebrate by recycling everything we can, using refillable water bottles and we are going to be helping to plant some trees this year. (Judy Cowan)

  8. We recycle and conserve water. We just bought rainbarrels!

  9. I recycle as much as possible. Don't buy water in bottles. And plant a vegetable garden every year and compost.

  10. We will get out and garden this spring.

  11. We plan to work on our garden! My kids are so excited to start planting seeds!

  12. We plan to celebrate the Earth by being outside and enjoying nature's beauty. We try to teach our 2-year old to respect the outdoors and keep things clean by picking up discarded garbage.

  13. We will be joing in and cleaning up on the local trail and river bank. We recycle and reuse and the kids enjoy helping the earth,community,and home.

  14. we do what we can. first we don' t own a car, only an e bike, stroller & friends. we recycle & compost. we use reusable shopping bags & water bottles. we will be starting the garden soon.

  15. My little guy is young so I pan to take time to explain to him what recycling means and how we use it at home

  16. We are involved in our local community clean up. The kids love it!

    Lori R Jackson

  17. We compost and recycle, and reuse as much as we can.

  18. Many of the kids in our community (mine included) have an outdoor spring clean & pick up all the garbage that's collected outside as it's all over their soccer field, etc. We also recycle & use stainless steel bottles/containers whenever possible.

  19. I plan to recycle and to clean up garbage and litter to help the earth!

  20. We are going to go without electricity for a couple of hours.

  21. recycle more and clean up!

  22. We started recycling paper products recently and updated all our appliances to energy efficient.

  23. By recycling everything we can and by turning off the tap while brushing our teeth!

  24. We plan to reduce our garbage and recycle.

  25. We are slowly cleaning out the house, and making sure that what can't be sold or donated is processed properly. It's amazing how many electronics (including kids toys) can now be recycled through depots.

  26. We are careful to leave nature as it should be ... clean! No littering. Using reusable containers. Enjoying walks in the woods.

  27. We are going to local Earth Day event.

  28. We are going to an Earth Day celebration!

  29. We celebrate the earth every day, we realize how precious our earth is and my dream is to see the earth from space!

  30. we recycle and try to repurpose items as well

  31. We are going to sit around with candles and play board games!

  32. we recycle and reuse a lot of things and donate a lot of gently used items

  33. We recycle, reuse container and compost.
    Florence C

  34. We recycle as well as help keep the parks clean

  35. recycling, reusing, and watching our energy consuption

  36. I will celebrate the earth by spending tons of time out in nature

  37. I plan to recycle and pick up trash.

  38. We recycle and reuse as much as possible.

  39. I will clean up my yard and bring any recyclables to the depot ! :)

  40. We are just going to keep doing what we are doing, reduce, reuse and recycle

  41. By being thankful for this wonderful world we live in.
    And I'm going to let my kids plant things this year so they can get an idea of how wonderful it all is.

  42. going to do neighborhood clean up

  43. We always celebrate the earth by composting! :)

  44. We are recycling a lot of toys and clothes right now as part of spring cleaning.

  45. We recycle and reuse as much as we can and compost all food scrapes and paper.

  46. We participate in neighbourhood clean ups as well as recycling, and being energy efficient whenever possible :)

  47. We are teaching the kids about resources and their importance, from animals to material goods!

  48. We're composting and planting a small garden.

  49. i plan to start using compost

  50. We'll be working on our garden.

  51. I plan to celebrate the earth by keeping up recycling, composting and energy savings.

  52. I will be turning off electronics at the outlet.

  53. By being ever more environmentally conscious.

  54. we help the earth by recycling and turning off lights when not needed!!! Cheryl on Rafflecopter

  55. We celebrate by spending the day cleaning up the river bank near our home.

  56. By using my waste to make fertilizer for my garden!

  57. This summer we want to build a vegetable garden!

  58. I would love one of those Koala Crisp™ Mini Cupcakes right now.


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