Posterjack Acrylic Blocks | Toronto Teacher Mom

Posterjack Acrylic Blocks

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Posterjack Acrylic Blocks

Looking for a décor themed gift for a family or friend but not sure if it matches their existing decor? 

Posterjack has a simple solution with their Acrylic Block. Its small format makes it the ideal decor holiday gift since it can be placed on a mantel, shelf or desk display. Plus, there is no hanging required. Acrylic Blocks can be easily customized with a photo you feel best represents the person's personality and Posterjack prints the photo on a perfectly clear, thick one-inch piece of premium cast acrylic.

Our friends at Posterjack were kind enough to let me review the newest product in their line of offerings. You may recall my most recent post about their Peel & Stick posters. For my acrylic block, I decided that I would print a copy of one of my photographs of Tiffany Falls in Ancaster, Ontario.

The candidate photo, Tiffany Falls.

As usual, Posterjack's upload and editing process is very simple to use. Within a few clicks, you can resize your photo to match the format chosen, add borders and other effects. Do mind the warning at the top, where it notes that a 1/4" of your photo will be trimmed off during production of the acrylic block.

The block was shipped to my door after production was complete. As par for the course with Posterjack, the block was well packaged, wrapped in paper and bubble wrap, while the shipping box was packed with foam. As you can imagine, my acrylic block arrived in perfect condition!

Overall, I was impressed with the acrylic block. The one-inch layer of acrylic really makes the photo pop.

The acrylic blocks are currently available in 6"x6" and 5"x7" formats, perfect for a small location such as a desk or shelf. I look forward to when other sizes are made available.

From a gift-giving perspective, at only $49.99 Acrylic Blocks are a win for both the giver and the receiver. Other budget and design-friendly gifts from Posterjack include Woodstand Prints and Photoboards

Disclosure: I received product to help facilitate this review. Any opinions expressed in this post are my own.

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  1. Ive purchased items before from PosterJack and I was beyond impressed! The quality is amazing and so reasonably priced.. highly recommended :)

    1. My brother has ordered from them many times and is always impressed by the quality.

  2. These look really great! I'd love to get one with a picture of my three new grandbabies! Thanks

    Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

  3. These would make perfect gifts for the grandparents as well, I know I would love one with the grandkids!!

    1. I think I need to make one of the kids for my mother-in-law. She'd love it!

  4. Replies
    1. I like the idea of tabletop art. A little more practical than having to drive a nail into a wall.

  5. This waterfall is beautiful, I'd love to see my photos in Acrylic too, I think it gives a kind of magical touch to the photos.

    1. My brother is pretty talented when it comes to photography.

  6. I would love to make one of these for my husband's office.


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