A Mom Cave Makeover With Twistos | Toronto Teacher Mom

A Mom Cave Makeover With Twistos

Monday, May 02, 2016

Twistos Baked Snack Crackers

Alright, moms! Raise your hands if you have ever longed for your own space strictly dedicated to winding down after a long day.

That's what I thought.

We love our families and our role as a mother but let's face it. Sometimes we need to get a little selfish and reward ourselves with some me-time. Yet, where do we escape to find some solitude and relaxation? Have you thought of creating your very own Mom Cave? It's something I've been dreaming about for a while, a personal oasis where I can indulge in peace while recouping my sanity. Right now, all I have is a corner in this room, or a corner in that room, but no place to call my own. It gets a little frustrating, too, knowing that I have to keep changing my hiding place for those special snacks or treats that I turn to after a difficult day at work. 

I have thought about storing my personal snacks in a box labeled "cleaning supplies" because we all know no one in my family would ever go near those. But then, I find I'm inhaling my snacks when no one is looking instead of savouring them at leisure, snacks such as my coveted granola bars or my favourite flavour of Twistos®  Baked Snack Crackers - Parmesan & Garlic. The savoury flavour combined with the crispy texture makes Twistos®  an ideal snack to enjoy while lounging in the Mom Cave.

Since Twistos® brand believes that moms should have the time at the end of the day to escape and unwind, Twistos® brand has rewarded one hard-working mother with a mom cave makeover. Because if anyone deserves to indulge in an oasis of relaxation, it’s moms.

Here is Monique's Mom Cave Makeover story:

If you enjoy savouring delicious Twistos® while you escape from the everyday, you will delight in knowing that Twistos® has introduced TWO new delicious flavours: ‘Toasted Garlic and Rosemary’ and ‘Garden Dill & Cream Cheese’. These new flavours are available wherever Twistos® Baked Snack Cracker products are sold.


To celebrate Mother’s Day and the superhero efforts of Canadian moms, Twistos® has offered up a special Twistos® Mom Cave prize pack. It is valued at approximately $400 and includes:

  • Twistos® product
  • $100 Urban Barn gift card

To be eligible to win, you must complete the Rafflecopter form below. Open to Canadian residents only, excluding Quebec, who have reached the age of majority.

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  1. A mom cave must have is a secret stash of treats!

  2. My mom cave must have is a stereo and lights for dancing. And don't forget the disco ball!

  3. OMG HOW NEAT! YES a mom cave. Must have WINE!!! :D

  4. A mom cabe must have chocolate

  5. A bookshelf full of books with an over-sized cuddle chair loaded with fuzzy blankets.

  6. Must have a nice soft comfortable couch or chair

  7. A mom cave must have is a nice scented candle!

  8. My Mom cave would have to have chocolate.

  9. A mom cave must have a large fleece throw, a stash of her favourite candies and chocolates, and some music, and her favourite books!!

  10. A mom cave should have a comfortable chair, a cozy blanket to curl up in, a mini fridge with drinks and snacks, a desk and a coffee maker.

  11. I think a must have for a mom cave is a massage chair!

  12. flat screen and laptop, also a comfy couch rafflecopter charityk

  13. My mom cave must have is a desk and computer so I can relax and catch up on everything

  14. I have a couple must have items for my mom cave. 1) wine 2)caramel popcorn stash and 3)a comfy chair

  15. I would have to go with books, a good stash of movies and treats.

  16. A hidden cubby for the good chocolate is an absolute must!

  17. Mom cave's must have…a wine fridge and dutch chocolate is a must

  18. I would have to say wine and a comfy chair.

  19. There has to be comfy chairs, mini-fridge, laptop, tv, blanket and lots of snacks

  20. would have to have a comfortable chair or couch, relaxing scented candles, mom snacks and lots of books or ereader!

  21. I'd be looking for lots of great books and red wine

  22. A mom cave must have is a comfortable chair to relax and read in.
    Florence C

  23. Comfy Couch, lighted scented candles surrounding the fireplace make this a space where you can get cozy just curl up with a good book and read. Soft music in the background

  24. A mom cave must have a coffee station and some wine

  25. My mom cave must have is a comfy reclining chair.

  26. My mom cave must have is big screen tv

  27. cheese and wine and I'm good to go oh don't forget a comfy chair too

  28. My cave must have a comfy chair and a light that goods for reading.

  29. A mom cave should have an extremely comfortable recliner.

  30. For me a big comfy chair would be a must have.

  31. a mom cave needs a stereo, dance floor and treadmill

  32. My mom cave would have stereo and a comfy chair

  33. A Mom Cave must-have would be some white wine and a mini fridge to keep it in!

  34. Chocolate and Wine is a must.

  35. Must have coffee and a mini fridge!

  36. My mom cave needs to have an unending supply of books and a great reading light.

  37. stash of goodies like wine, chocolate and must have a tablet

  38. FOR ME, so I can RELAX, I would need a sound machine LOL. I have them on my wishlist on amazon!! they make noise like white noise, ocean waves, crickets LOL..yeah i'm sttrange but am highstrung and have a hard time relaxing (I'm the person you see clearing up the tables at a family function, no matter who hosts it)

  39. My mom's must have mom cave items are a TV & art supplies.

  40. My mom cave must have would be for me, a super comfy recliner!

    Rafflecopter Name is Anne Taylor

  41. My mom cave would have a big comfy chair to curl up in with a book from the bookshelf! :)

  42. A must have would be a comfy chair, cozy blanket and lots of books! (Judy Cowan)

  43. A comfortable chair and warm blanket.

  44. I would need a very comfy chair in the room to curl up on to watch movies

  45. For myself, a jacuzzi tub in the mom cave would be the ultimate in relaxation!

  46. a stereo is a must have. I need to listen to music

  47. A kettle, some good tea and a huge stack of magazines. And a very fuzzy blanket.

  48. For me a mom cave must have is a coffee pot. Just sit there, relax and keep pouring the coffee! Life is good!

  49. A big comfy chair and some books, lots of books.

  50. mine would be a bookshelf filled with good reads

  51. I know for my wife and mother of my children it would be a stack of books.

  52. My mom cave needs a disco ball

  53. Books...lots and lots of books!

  54. my mom cave would have a kettle and lovely tea selection!

  55. My mom cave would have a nice comfy couch,a large screen TV and
    a mini fridge for col drinks.

  56. My mom-cave must haves include a big comfy chair, a book shelf filled with with books, a secret fridge for my mixed drinks and a dimmer switch!

  57. My mom cave must have a big, comfy chair to relax in!

  58. Wine and cheese are Mom cave must-haves.

  59. It would be great to win
    The Twistos Mom Cave prize pack.
    In response to your question of
    What is a mom cave must-have?
    For my mother it would be a Big Screen Television
    so she could watch her Soap Operas.
    Thank you for having this giveaway.

  60. my wifey would definitely want wrapping paper and craft supplies in her mom cave. Shaneps@hotmail.com

  61. My girlfriend would want her skincare and cosmetics in her mom cave.

  62. A mom cave must have would have to be a massage chair!

  63. My mom cave would have a nice quiet location that I could scrapbook for hours! It would have a nice fireplace so, that I could feel cozy as well.

  64. I would definitely need some good books, a comfy chair and my stereo

  65. Every Mom cave should have aromatherapy candles!

  66. My mom cave would have a couch some throws and tv with a stack of movies to watch.

  67. My mom cave must have is a soft tub hot tub.

  68. My Mom Cave must have a super comfy lounge chair, my Kindle, my Mommy treats and a big screen HDTV (I am not dreaming).

  69. A mom cave must have would be a radio as i love listening to music!

  70. A really good comfy couch would be a must have for me.

  71. wow I didnt even know my closest city has an Urban Barn!! Had to google and then spent way too much time looking online lol

  72. Comfy chair, coffee maker, snacks and TV

  73. My must have would be my laptop.

  74. My cave would have loads of dark chocolate and red wine!

  75. my must have is a warm fuzzy blanket

  76. Mine would have a full Wine Rack Comfy Couch Cheese and Twistos and other yummy snacks as well as candles and my Laptop

  77. My mom cave would need a big comfy chair, blanket and a laptop. Call me happy :)

  78. A cozy blanket and housecoat! (Suzi)

  79. A must have in my mom cave is a espresso maker & a cozy chair with lots of great music to listen to!

  80. Mom Cave Must-Have?...Peace and Quite :))

  81. A bookshelf, MP3 player with speakers & wine glasses full of wine!

  82. A massage chair is definitely a must have for a mom cave! (Commented by Stephanie)

  83. Scentsy ... and yes, to a wine cooler!!

  84. This mom is tired of hearing about MAN CAVES LOL its time for a MOM CAVE . I would love to win this so i have a place i can call MINE :)

  85. My mom cave must have is fruit.

  86. A mom cave must have a TV, Comfy chair, Wine and a stash of snacks.

  87. My cave would have to have a big screen tv with HBO and AMC :)

  88. My must have in a mom cave is Great music and wine.AAHHHHHHH

  89. My Mom cave would have a Mini Fridge filled with Avondale Bliss Wine♥

  90. My Mom cave would have a Mini Fridge filled with Avondale Bliss Wine♥

  91. A Mom cave must include a wine fridge.

  92. Definitely a comfy couch for naps!!!

  93. A big screen TV with a great sound system.

  94. i would do anything for a mom cave!! it would require a book shelf, a lamp, scented candles, pretty trinkets, and unlimited healthy snacks!

  95. a couch so I can take a nap! I need sleep, lol

  96. I think a comfy day bed would be a mom-cave necessity.

  97. A must have in a Mom Cave is Wine cheese and lots of girly movies ! Rafflecopter Treen Goodwin :)

  98. A woman cave MUST have a wine bar ;)

  99. My mom cave must have a big HD TV with a nice, comfy recliner.

  100. A mom cave must-have for me would be a bookshelf filled with books.

  101. I chose my laundry room for my 'mom cave'... I know it seems like a weird place to chose but I love it. I paint the walls with murals and Bible verses and I read in there. A mom cave must have a door and a window. My laundry room has a window facing out on the back yard. A mom cave must be quiet...mine seems to keep all sound in even though I can hear everything that goes on in the house from there if I want to (I've gotten good at tuning it out when i really need to!).

  102. My mum cave would have to have a kettle and fridge so I could make my tea!

  103. I would have a nice tv to watch girly movies on and a stash of chocolate to ! :D

  104. for me a wine fridge.

    billiondollarprincesss @hotmail.com

  105. a full library of chick flicks to watch on my big screen tv
    (Debbie W)

  106. My mom cave must have a great stereo system and a fully loaded fridge

  107. A mom cave needs a comfy place to sit.

  108. A mom cave must have a nice soft blanket and a TV.

  109. Twisto crackers are very tasty and I often grab a few as a snack


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