Middle School: The Worst Years of my Life | Toronto Teacher Mom

Middle School: The Worst Years of my Life

Monday, September 26, 2016

Ah, the middle school years. How I remember them well. And how I wish I didn't. For me, those were the years when I felt out of place, like I didn't belong. I was the opposite of popular and spent most of my recreational time volunteering in the kindergarten class or helping the secretary during recess. Sports were not my forté and everybody knew it. Don't believe me? Just ask any of my classmates how many times I was picked next to last to join their team during phys. ed. Many of the boys picked on me, teasing me over how I was the French teacher's pet or playing monkey in the middle with my tuque on a cold winter's day. And then there was that one time at that birthday party when a boy asked me to slow dance and I felt flattered. But that feeling was quickly shattered the following day when I learned that my lack of dancing skills was the butt of everyone's jokes. Yup. Those were definitely some of the worst years of my life.

Fortunately, it wasn't all bad. It was during that time that I discovered what I wanted to be when I grew up. I still remember writing a Christmas card to my grade seven French teacher in which I thanked her for being such an inspiration and told her how one day I would become a French teacher, too. I received the French award at graduation, was selected to represent our school at the Great Computer Caper, and earned an honourable mention in the Gauss Math contest. While my social life remained in question, I knew that, academically, I was only at the beginning of my adventure into a world of endless possibilities.

Middle School: The Worst Years of my Life

On October 7, movie goers will be able to revisit the middle school years with the premiere of ‘Middle School: The Worst Years of my Life’. Following the antics of Rafe Khatchadorian as he enters his first year of middle school, the movie focuses on the many ways Rafe breaks the school's oppressive rules, from chewing gum and running in the hallway to sounding the alarm and pulling off an epic Post-it prank. When it all starts to catch up with him, Rafe soon finds himself face-to-face with the rules, bullies and truth he's been avoiding for so long.

To celebrate the premiere of ‘Middle School: The Worst Years of my Life’ and ensure that kids are fully stocked with back-to-school essentials such as Duracell batteries to power student's electronics through the school year, you can enter for the chance to win a Cineplex $1000 back-to-school prize pack from Staples and Duracell. This includes a $200 Staples gift card, a Samsung Galaxy S2 tablet with keyboard and cover, an assortment of Duracell batteries, and much more. For a chance to win, visit #MiddleSchoolMovie contest page and complete the contest entry form. Unfortunately, those in Quebec are not eligible.

Once you have entered, head back here for a chance to win four (4) tickets to ‘Middle School: The Worst Years of my Life’ along with Duracell product. Be sure to complete the Rafflecopter form below. Open to residents of Canada only, excluding Quebec.

Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Duracell. Any opinions expressed in this post are my own.

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  1. Middle School years are formative in a teens life! I formed great friendships!

  2. Oh middle school! I remember walking into this huge school feeling very small, especially compared to the older kids. Those were the most AWKWARD years of my life!

  3. I remember splitting my pants on the playground which was quite embarrassing!

  4. My least favourite memory was finding out that the boy I "liked" "liked" me, too - because it turned out it was because I "had boobs." AARRGGHHH!!!

  5. OHHH Middle school , the most awkward time of my life , however I did have a wonderful home room teacher that gave out chocolate bars and he is my best memory of my middle school years

  6. I remember running the terry fox run!

  7. I remember trying on lipstick for the VERY FIRST TIME in middle school! Oh how that changed my life!

  8. I remember biting my tongue really hard when my home ec teacher accused a friend of doing something that I was pretty certain another student in another class had done given that I knew a bit more about his history then the average student.

  9. I remember puking on my desk in French class. So embarrassing!

  10. Like you we had mean girls in middle school. They felt it was their duty to stand at the entrance and critique what everyone was wearing, their hair etc. and they were nasty to anyone not in their small group. A few of us would meet a block away and then all walk in together smiling and laughing making them wonder what they were missing.

  11. I had such an amazing time in middle school, I was in hockey, I was a peer mediator, history and gym awards both years, amazing trips, awesome friends! I had a lot of fun!

  12. I remember being nervous starting at a new school in a different part of town. It seems everyone knew one another or were hanging out in groups.

  13. I remember going on a few fun field trips.

  14. I never really liked middle school. I hated going on field trips because of the ticks.

  15. I was the quiet kid in school. Lol. But I remember always hanging out with my bestie from way back in pre-K!

  16. I remember my first dance and being terrified of not being asked o dance.

  17. I remember going to a middle school dance. My first one. I will never forget the band played eye of the tiger! :) Thanks!

  18. Trying to fit in middle school was not easy.
    Florence C

  19. I remember sending notes back and forth during class in middle school

  20. I spent a lot of middle school sick so I remember being very shy & quiet when I was in school. (Judy Cowan)

  21. I remember getting teased a lot because I got my braces just before starting middle school.

  22. I didn't like middle school a whole lot a lot of bullying went on

  23. I remember really enjoying drama class as we had a fun teacher.

  24. We moved in the middle of middle school - not making life easy!

  25. I remember being very shy in middle school until I met some good friends.

  26. I remember being very shy in middle school until I met some good friends.

  27. I remember playing pranks on my teacher and seeing my friends everyday.

  28. middle school wasn't to fun for me, I got picked on a lot but that changed in high school when I met some great friends

  29. I had a blast in middle school, played a lot of sports, sang and was in a band that wennt to Expoand had tons of friends that I am still friends with as an adult.

  30. When I think of middle school I think of seeing kids smoking in the back alley garbage shelter. I wonder how many of them still smoke.

  31. I remember braking my arm, another child tripped me on purpose !

  32. I remember the awkwardness of starting a new school - then you have to find new friends because we all came from different area schools. Our school was only together for two years than we had to go through the awkwardness again!

  33. I remember being so shy and kept to myself quite a bit!

  34. My middle school memories are of being really involved in the theatre & class president.

  35. Middle school (JR high here in Alberta) was horrible. I honestly have no good memories. I grew up with my Dad, my Mom was in another province, and lets just say kids can be really really cruel.

  36. I remember growing over night and not fitting into my clothing in the morning.

  37. I was tall with big glasses... there was a lot of teasing.

  38. My school went from kd to grade 8.So much easier than middle school.

  39. I was bullied by two girls, but people grow up, learn, and things change. I doubt that anyone out there has ever has a smooth ride in life.

  40. I remember enjoying playing all the school sports, and my one day of try outs failed to qualify for long jump.

  41. Star Wars Force Band by Sphero good blog read

  42. My girlfriends and auditioned to the school's talent show as an all-female version of Duran-Duran.

  43. We didn't have a separate middle school and I actually enjoyed school at that age!

  44. My friends and I had the best time in middle school, always found a way to have fun, we loved the school dances :)

  45. I remember that everyone had their little groups and I was the new girl because my family moved and it was so hard the first few weeks ... sitting alone in the cafeteria .... finally made some friends but middle school is tough socially!

  46. Middle school was just ok. I wasn't part of the cliques, and today looking back, I'm so glad I wasn't part of those superficial groups.

  47. I had amazing friends in middle school & the best French teacher :)


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