Dedicate a Dove and Let Hope Fly | Toronto Teacher Mom

Dedicate a Dove and Let Hope Fly

Friday, November 24, 2017

Doves of Hope - Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation

It was shortly after my son was born when my father-in-law first fell ill. An otherwise healthy, hard-working man in his early seventies, he was an incredibly kind and loving person who would lend a helping hand at the drop of a hat. He was a lover of life, a friend to all and a pretty darn good dancer. In fact, one of my fondest memories of my father-in-law was when he and I danced at my wedding and he practically cleared the dance floor. Watching his health deteriorate as leukemia took over years later was one of the hardest things I've ever had to experience.

This wasn't the first time my family's life was affected by cancer. My dad's brother had lost his battle in 2006. Then, in 2009, my dad's sister lost her battle as well. In the week following her passing, my husband's family found themselves spending nearly every waking hour in the palliative care unit at Princess Margaret Hospital, where my father-in-law had been undergoing treatment for his leukemia. The day he passed was one that changed our lives forever.

As much as it brings me to tears to write about such difficult losses, I am still hopeful that we will conquer cancer. That my mother's sister is a breast cancer survivor fuels that hope. This is why I am thankful for The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and their mission to Conquer Cancer In Our Lifetime. The Doves of Hope campaign supports this mission and raised over $1 million in 2016. This year, I have dedicated a dove in honour of my father-in-law and you can, too. Visit dovesofhope.ca to personalize your dove and include the name of the person to whom you have chosen to dedicate it. Your dove will join countless others that each represent a unique story and is a symbol of love, resilience, and enduring hope. 

In addition to spreading hope by dedicating a dove, you can also donate to The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation and support the only Canadian research and comprehensive treatment centre devoted exclusively to cancer. There's no better time than today to join together and let hope fly.

Disclosure: I am participating in the Doves of Hope campaign and have received an honorarium that will be donated to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation on my behalf. Any opinions expressed in this post are my own.

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  1. Great campaign, will go check it out. Thanks for the information about it. (Judy Cowan)

    1. Agreed. Especially when we think about how many people are affected by it these days.

  2. I have not heard of Doves of Hope. My husband is a 5 year survivor of leukemia, his was an acute form. This last year I lost 3 family members to cancer and a suspected 4th in four months. My uncle, my brother, that same brother's grandson (my great nephew) who was only two years old and a cousin. Cancer is such a plague. I truly hope one day there is a cure.

    1. Oh my goodness, that is unbelievable. So sorry for your many losses. But I'm glad to hear your husband is a leukemia survivor. Sending you a virtual hug.

  3. Oh my gosh I teared up while reading this. Thank you for sharing with us all and I will definitely make my Dove. I have lost my grandma, my grandpa and my husbands nana to cancer. They were all in their 70's, my husbands nana healthy as can be. went for runs, ate healthy never smoked a day in her life, never drank....this disease has become so common its scary

    1. You are so right. It's way too common and can affect the healthiest of people. So sorry for your many losses.

  4. I haven't heard about dedicate a dove before but looks like a good thing to do, I do donate to Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation when I can.Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks so much, Sue! I've spent many days visiting family members at PMCF so I truly appreciate your support.

  5. This is so nice, I am going to go and check it out and I will probably dedicate a dove to my dad who passed away from cancer in 1999

  6. Thanks for sharing this post and I'm sorry you've experienced so much loss. Thanks for sharing about the campaign.

    1. Thank you. I wanted to write so much more but I kept tearing up so I chose to keep it short and simple.

  7. Replies
    1. So do I, especially that they chose the dove as a symbol of letting hope fly.

  8. Very touching tribute to your father in law and all those affected by cancer.

  9. I love the dove myself. To me it represents freedom, delicate and hope.
    (Debbie W)

  10. What a great idea this is, so many loved ones die from cancer, it's a horrible disease and it's definitely time it was conquered and eradicated.

  11. Beautiful post. A hard one to write I'm sure. Cancer has affected our family as well. We have participated in several walks to raise money for cancer research as well as my daughter and I have donated our hair several times to make wigs for children and women going through cancer treatment (my hair was recently long enough to cut it again-it takes about 2 years to grow my hair out for a donation), but I had never heard of "The Doves of Hope" campaign. I will check it out for sure. Thanks for sharing and spreading the word of how we can each do out part to help fight again this terrible disease. Katherine Moore

  12. We use Dove daily,so many people affected everyday!

  13. Meaningful cause. I've used dove quite a bit .


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