French Word Search - Find the Opposites - Google Jamboard and PDF | Toronto Teacher Mom

French Word Search - Find the Opposites - Google Jamboard and PDF

Thursday, February 25, 2021

French word search - les contraires mots-cachés #aimlang - Google Jamboard and PDF

Last January, while looking for ways to create a digital word search for my students, I decided to finally jump on board the Google Jamboard train. It really is such a handy tool and, as it is a part of the Google for Education Suite, it makes the most sense for those of us who use Google Classroom, since you can assign Jamboards and make copies for students just as you would using Docs, Sheets or Slides. I decided to use a French word search on opposites that I had made a while back and use it as the background of the Jamboard so that students can use the highlighter or paintbrush to highlight the words they found.  They can also use the pen or marker to write the words next to their opposite if they are using a mobile device or a laptop with a touch screen, or they could alternatively use the text box to type their answer. 

mots cachés - les contraires - Google Jamboard #aimlang

Since I use les contraires a lot as part of the AIM Method, I decided to create a second version and add a second page to my Jamboard. I just love creating my own complementary materials, such as interactive SMART Notebook activitiesDIY magnetic words and mini books, to further engage my students but given the current times, it's nice to have another tool such as Jamboard to create digital and interactive activities that can be used virtually or even assigned as a homework activity for extra practice. 

Les contraires 2 word search Google Jamboard #aimlang

If you'd like a copy of the Google Jamboard, click on the image above. If you would like a printable version of Les contraires #2 in PDF, click on the thumbnail below.

Don't forget to check out these popular blog posts for French teachers:

G Suite for Education Resources - Diana Mancuso
Click on the image above to access additional resources, tips and tutorials.

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  1. Hello Diana, I love your website and especially your monthly calendar. Thank you very much for sharing. With respect to Jamboard, do you have any instructional videos/steps on how to use it? I can easily resource instructions, videos etc. but I was just wondering if you have posted anything specific on using it. I'm using Google Slides/Forms etc. (come a long way since last spring!)so I'd like to learn Jamboard also. Thank you for your excellent resources.


    1. Hi Susan,
      Thanks for your kind comments. I wish I had some instructional videos for you but I don't have anything of my own at the moment. If you're familiar with Google Slides, the main difference is that you can't see version history and there is no bar. Instead there is a simple actions menu at the top right where you see the three dot kebob icon. The user interface is a lot more user-friendly, especially for younger students, and was initially designed to be used with Google's interactive display (similar to a smartboard). You can still assign Jamboards and make a copy for each student with Google Classroom but it doesn't have the same functionality in terms of being able to suggest edits. I still prefer Slides over Jamboard but it is a great solution for creating digital worksheets (such as word searches) where you want students to write on top (or add text boxes). Just be sure to upload an image of the worksheet/word search as the background. Hope that helps!

  2. Love all your slides! Gros bise!


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