How to Maximize Google Slides in Edit Mode | Toronto Teacher Mom

How to Maximize Google Slides in Edit Mode

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

How to Maximize Google Slides in Edit Mode

When using Google Slides for manipulative activities, I prefer to maximize screen space whenever possible to focus attention on the content of my slides. However, presentation mode does not allow you to move or manipulate the objects on the slide. Previously, I would hide the speaker notes and my Chrome bookmarks bar to make eliminate some of the unnecessary clutter. But now, Google has added the ability to hide the "filmstrip", which are the thumbnails of your slides that appear to the left, as well as enter full screen mode which allows you to still edit your slides.

Here is a quick video that demos five tips for maximizing your Google Slides in edit mode:

5 Tips for Maximizing Google Slides in Edit Mode

Maximize Google Slides in Edit Mode - hide speaker notes
1. Hide speaker notes under the "View" menu.

Maximize Google Slides in Edit Mode - hide filmstrip
2. Hide the filmstrip under the "View" menu.

Maximize Google Slides in Edit Mode - hide bookmarks bar
3. Hide the bookmarks bar under the kebab menu next to your Chrome avatar.

Maximize Google Slides in Edit Mode - hide menus
4. Hide the menus by clicking on the upward pointing arrow near the top right. This will still give you access to the formatting tools if you still need them.

Maximize Google Slides in Edit Mode - use full screen mode
5. Activate full screen mode under the "View" menu.

And if you navigated here in search of my calendar, click here: digital French calendar.

G Suite for Education Resources - Diana Mancuso
Click on the image above to access additional resources, tips and tutorials.

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